Can really use some help
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First off I suffer from very severe health anxiety. With that being said, my wife and family are not taking me very serious with anything anymore.
So why I’m posting is within the past 3 weeks I have lost about 10 pounds. I was working out for the last year 6 days a week until I recently hurt my knee. So the last 3 weeks I have not worked out and have eaten terrible. Yet I have dropped 8-10 pounds during this timeframe.
My wife says that I have lost all my muscle from not working out and that’s why I weigh less . I have also been very stressed and anxious for the past 3 weeks with me knee issue.
Bottom line is, my fear is cancer. I have had some mild night sweats lately but so has my wife so it could be humidity here.
I had a CBC about a month ago that was good and a chest CT scan in May that was also good.
I don’t know what to think. I had a major panic attack today thinking that it could be cancer.
If anyone could shed any advice , expiriences, I could really use it now. I’m terrified and can’t function
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patty02379 jt02626
First I would go see a doctor, someone with cancer I never heard of having night sweats you may need a referral too see an oncologist that's a cancer doctor seeing a doctor for your knee is a good idea also it may not even be cancer but I would go and get checked for that dropping weight of your not eating is the cause of that..I may be wrong but I would go and get checked out ease your mind on this.
jt02626 patty02379
patty02379 jt02626
That's good those year's came back normal but if your feeling like there is something wrong get a second opinion I would I would have had colon cancer of they did not remove half of my colon I have had all.kinda of testing done this year alone and 4-5 procedures also done so would get checked out and get another opinion though.
erin15778 jt02626
it is very sad to hear that you are not able to function right now because of this fear. your quality of life deserves better! ask your doctor about what they would think about implementing counseling or anti anxiety medication into your care plan. it is safe to guess you get check ups regularly so try to relax in knowing that you are doing your due diligence and are in communication with doctors about your health. in the meantime, I would really recommend medication for your anxiety so you don’t have to fall into the deep trap of ruminating on problems until they’re so big they take over your life. you have a family and people who care about you, you deserve to be happy and enjoy life! I would be shocked if the symptoms didn’t go away after treatment is provided for the anxiety you are aware of having. it’s always good to keep getting checked out if you feel like something is wrong. You are allowed to seek second opinions and pursue further testing, so i would continue doing so as needed. but I have your same exact symptoms and I don’t have cancer but I do have very bad anxiety. Try focusing on anxiety as the cause and seek treatment for that too. I’m willing to bet my bottom dollar you will see improvement. If not, it sounds like you have an established team of primary care you can turn to if you still don’t feel better after getting your anxiety under control, but being caught in your cycle of fear is only going to make your body feel worse and confuse you even more and it’s a downward spiral from there that feeds itself. Try mental health treatment in addition to the physical treatment you are receiving from your doctors. The tests you’ve already had look good so that’s better than nothing too!I really think you are gonna be ok and come out on the other side of this!
leeniepie jt02626
You tho k you have cancer just because you've lost weight? Seriously? What you need my friend is therapy for your hypochondria.