Can someone help me with my nausea?

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Hi. I’m Madelyn and I’m 13. For over a year, I’ve felt this minor to medium nausea every night and morning, sometimes in the afternoon. There was a time in the summer when it stopped though, but as soon as I got back from vacation, I was loading up on Pepto for a week. Here are the details:

*no vomiting

*no urge to vomit

*nausea is slight or medium, only once was it severe

*causes me to lose appetite

*went home twice from school because of it

My parents have gotten sick of me waking them up in the night saying I feel nauseous. They keep saying that it’s nothing. Not once have they offered to take me to see the doctor. I have asked though. I know I havent been descriptive, so ask questions if you need to. Please help me know what’s wrong with me. I’ve had to sleep next to a pot a few times.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi madelyn218

    Keep a food diary. Perhaps when on vacation you ate different food so did not feel nauseus. Keep a diary of what you eat at brekki, lunch and dinner and drinks and snacks inbetween and see if a pattern emerges with certain food or wishes......

  • Posted

    If Pepto makes this better then its due to gastritis.

    Drink more water to neutralise your stomach acid. Full Fat milk is even better.

    Are you very thin?- anorexics can get this because they stop eating and drinking.


    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. No, I am not thin; but I am slightly overweight.
  • Posted

    Your nausea could be many different things so you should see you doctor since it has gone on for over a year.
  • Posted

    Have you used ginger for this purpose? A pinch of salt with ginger before meal is very useful.

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