Can someone please help me.

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Over the last 7 months I've been having really bad adominal pain been for lots of tests and X-rays I pass blood a lot and my docotor thinks it's chrons or Ibs. On Tuesday I have just had my small bowel X-rays and awaiting for the camera for my large one. I've been given tramadol for the pain but that helps with my stomach pains but once my stomach has had a flare up the day later I get terrible blisters all over my tongue and inside of my mouth which is making me feel really unwell. Nothing I have is helping them? Can anyone recommend anything for me to do to help provent the flare up in my mouth? I'm not to sure if it is chrons or not till I get my results! Please can someone give me some advice on what to do?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Crohns can affect the upper and lower digestive tract so this may explain mouth ulcers. You could try over the counter Bonjela to soothe and heal them in the meantime.  I don't know id there is anything to prevent them. Bleeding is also a symptom of Crohns.  Have you had a fecal calprotectin test that showed high inflammation? With IBS you don't get bleeding as a symptom.  You would only get this if you had an anal fissure or haemorroid.  Have fissures and piles been ruled out?

    The best thing to do is to wait to see what shows up if anything in your first X Ray and colonoscopy. These tests should tell you what is wrong.

  • Posted

    I am so sorry you have been so sick for so long, I as well have the same problems... I have no blood in my stool, but have alot of stomach daily pain and constant bloating in my upper and pain in my lower... When will you have your colonoscopy? 
  • Posted


    Sorry to hear you've been feeling so unwell. I've been having abdominal problems/tests etc but as yet no diagnosis however I have researched the life out of various abdo problems. The symptoms you describe could be associated with ulcertative colitis - read up or suggest to your GP that he refers you to a gastroenterologist. Good luck :-)

  • Posted

    CROHns AND IBS are not the same - no bleeding with IBS. ....could yout start taking some vitamins especially B and iron for blood loss?

    If you have loose Ness you may be missuing out on nutrient

    Take care

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