Can someone please help with hair loss
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I am 42 I still have regular periods every month but my cycles vary in length, 27 to 33 days. No other symptoms. Since the summer I've been losing my hair. A lot, is so thin. Diffuse loss. I saw a dermatologist and I had a scalp biopsy. I was diagnosed with female pattern baldness. But I'm also experiencing hair loss everywhere--pubic area, even eyelashes. Also, this may sound crazy, there are tiny almost fiber or dust looking hairs all over my house, car, clothes, even on my phone...its hair. FROM ME! The derm couldnt explain it. Does anyone know about this??? I feel desperate and I'm not prepared to go bald.
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Guest Evette83272
Hi Evette, have you had your thyroid tested?
Evette83272 Guest
hi thanks for responding! I take medication for hypothyroidism and my dr checked my TSH its good. But she only tested TSH. My iron is fine, other basic blood work too. No hormones were checked.
Guest Evette83272
Hello! OK! I was thinking hypothyroid...but you have that covered. Low estrogen can cause hair loss too and whereas you already have a thyroid issue, probably making it worse. My hair has thinned a little...but not as you describe...other areas...etc! If you are still getting a period, hormone testing is not going to be accurate...all the ups and downs!
Evette83272 Guest
OK I didnt know that about the hormones but that makes sense, thank you! I'm just trying to figure out what it could be, I believe something aside from female pattern hair loss is happening-because of the other hair loss occurring at the same time.
Guest Evette83272
perimeno can worsen whatever existing stuff we am 41...just started back up on birth control pills today.
vicky77852 Evette83272
Hair loss is common during peri. You can also check your feritin and your thyroid.
Evette83272 vicky77852
thank you. im seeing an endo soon im assuming he will check my thyroid again.
Guest Evette83272
Hi Evette,
I have alopecia universalis, this is total hair loss on the head and body, have had it all of my adult life. Your hair loss isn't presenting like that, so I doubt that you will lose all of your hair. My sister lost a ton of hair during perimeno phase, and she was always freaking out thinking she was going to end up like me. But she didn't. When her hormones calmed down her hair grew back in. Best not to keep stressing about it if you can help it.
If you do have female pattern balding, that will present in hair loss around the front of the head, much like a man has. There are some products you can use which adds color fiber into your hair to make your hair look thicker if you can see your scalp. If it gets even thinner you can wear a partial hair piece or eventually hair transplants are an option. People with alopecia areata don't have this option.
Again, try to stop stressing about it, which makes everything worse.
Evette83272 Guest
thanks so much for responding. the dermatologist i saw didnt think it was alopecia universalis, i am just noticing im losing more than hair on my head. my eyelashes, pubic area, arm hair etc. so i wonder if its something more than fphl. my period was different this month only one day but very heavy. i was debating rogaine ive read a lot about it but i dont want to start anything until ive exhausted other options.