Can stress cause Acute HIV symptoms ?

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Hi. I am a boy who had unprotected sex on sept 17 2015 and on day 10 after sex encounter started deep tiredness, on day 14 started numb all over my body and itchy inside penis tube with clear discharge ( look like rain water) and itchy around anus, and on day 17 started severe headache and fever, on day 19 started itchy rash on my torso( face, chest, back, shoulder, arm) and blood test on day 19 for HIV came back negative ( also my partner tested for HIV one day before sex and his result came back negative but I don't know about his sex history maybe he has many partners) then afterward sore throat, lower back pain, lower abdominal pain, urine frequently, and small red spot on tongue, and under tongue look like wart and bump on lower lip and on day 28 joint pain What cause these symptom? Can be HIV ? Genital herpes? Warts? Or Stress? I am stressful one or two weeks before these symptoms appear but the stress didn't focus on HIV but on other matter ( study and financial) then one or two weeks after sex encounter I started fear and stress on HIV then everything ( acute HIV symptoms) started to appear in me one u one , sometime it happen altogether like fever and headache and rash something else which mimic acute HIV symptoms. Please advice ! Thanks!

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like you got a STI.  go to a doctor.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your comment. what kind STI? I went there to see a doctor already and he said this is not HIV , but I still worry because I tested in day19 after infected. I check for chlamydia and gonorrhea but all came crack negative. My partner tested for HIV and his result was negative. Do all these symptoms mimic acute hiv infected ? Please advice? Can stress cause these symptoms? I also have coating on tongue and red bump on the back of tongue.
    • Posted

      Did they test for Syphilis?  if you're not getting any satisfaction from your current doctor go to another one and get re tested. Did you use any type of lubrication?  you could be having a reaction to it.  Or it could be something completely not related to the sex.  I'd ask for  a complete bloodworks.
    • Posted

      No, I haven't tested for syphilis, but the symptom is not mimic syphilis. It most likely mimic HIV but I really afraid HIV. Please advice. I always appreciate your comment.
    • Posted

      go to another clinic/doctor if you can.  get re tested..for all the STI's...syphilis.  gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, HIV.. etc.  get a complete blood screen.  you can never be too cautious with your health. 
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      But now it is only five weeks windows period. How is it accurate? How do you think about this symptom? My partner tested for HIV and came back negative but I dun know about his sex history. But he told me that he gets tested every six months.
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      how new is this partner and how well do you know him??? for your peace of mind go get re checked or you'll never be content.
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      I dun know him clearly. But he agree to have test for me and his tat was negative. He said he tested four months before Sex with me when he went to Singapore with his NGO organization and the result was also negative. I dun know should I trust him or not. I tested for myself on day 19 after sex and result came back negative. I think 19 days is too early. I want to take PCR test on day 40, will it be accurate?
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      honestly I'm not sure.  You should do some research and find out the best times and the earliest you can be accurately tested.  If he did have the testing ask to see the results yourself.  As this is a relatively new relationship I would guess there might be things that are not being told. You need to look out for yourself.

      Good Luck!

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      Your words also scared me. Yes I dun know him clearly. .. This is the reason why I am worry
  • Posted

    Stree does not cause HIV symptoms, but they cause other immune disorder symptoms of rash, jpint pains and abdominal pains, fatigue, acute weith loss and anorexia. 
  • Posted


    I'm experiencing similar symptoms and I just wanted to know how you went with yours? 

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