Can’t bare head sensations any longer
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so ive searched google high and low for answers as to what could be causing these sensations ive had in my head constantly now for 2 months. ive been to a&e and had a CT scan which showed an empty sella so im waiting for a MRI on my pituitary gland but i dont think thats the cause.
it all started with head pressure on top of my head which has increased in intensity over the weeks. ive had burning inside my head and ive had weird prick feelings and just like there is constantly something resting on my head. its not painful but its so concerning and debilitating in the sense i cant walk around without holding or applying pressure to my head. im full of anxiety about it as i cant find any answers or anyone who can relate so thats why im thinking its something bad.
i have POTS but again i cant find any other potsies who feel like this. my doctor said anxiety but i cant imagine it could cause this sensation. can anyone offer any advice as i feel like im losing my mind with the sensation
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jan34534 melissa26914
Melissa I don’t think it’s anything bad. I can definitely relate to your symptoms because I have the same thing. Mine is a pressure at the top of my head. Sometimes the pressure is preceded by lightheadedness but not always. I get a mild vibration feeling in my head , and it can sometimes cause a brief disorientation feeling. I absolutely hate it. I have had numerous MRIs, EEG and nothing significant comes out of those. I have had major anxiety since I was a child with major symptoms starting in my late 20s. . So I’m going to assume it’s all anxiety related because I am now in my 50s. However, it’s always on the back of my mind I will admit that.The only thing that helps is completely and totally relaxing my mind and body. No medication has helped me so far with the anxiety. on top of that I have ringing in my left ear which I am going to assume is permanent.
I do hope you get some help with this but try really hard to manage anxiety so that hopefully this will calm down for you. Take care of yourself. feel free to PM me anytime
sasical72 melissa26914
Hi Melissa,
I don't have the same symptoms as you but I also have some very debilitating symptoms which nobody else seems to have. For the last 3 years I have been searching the net, been to God knows how many doctors, hospitals, no I'm stuck like you.
melissa26914 sasical72
what symptoms do you have?
sasical72 melissa26914
Mine are that every time my body is preparing for a bowel movement I have a loy of difficulty breathing, I begin to sweat, shake, my heart races, I have problems to stand up. After the bowel movement I still feel like I'm going to die for about half an hour and then I start to feel okish again
melissa26914 sasical72
if its any consolation i also get that when i need to go the loo. it doesnt last long but i 100% get like that
sasical72 melissa26914
no way, really? and do you have any idea of what might cause it?
melissa26914 sasical72
no ive no idea but that part doesnt bother me that much
issey92630 melissa26914
I literally came on here to look for something similar to this! I have this heavy throbbing, pretty much like a headache but at the back of my head so it instinctively feels weird and wrong.
it comes with a mild dizzy feeling as well and is usually bookended with long spells of anxiety, whether about that or something else. It feels like a warm heat and can be really disconcerting.
you're not alone!