Can't eat, muscle weakness, fatigue, nausea.

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Hi, about 2 and a half months ago I started having extreme stomach pains after eating greasy foods, after which I could not get out of bed for the next 1-2 days due to extreme fatigue and muscle weakness. The pains later started happening after I would eat most foods, so I stopped eating anything but bread and plain yogurt. My gastroenterologist has put me on ant acids, which have helped with stomach pains. However, after I eat most things I still get nauseous and dizzy and have muscle weakness and fatigue through the next day. The strange thing is that I do fine with coffee, milk, orange juice, chocolate (if it's not too fatty), and bananas, but I cannot eat things such as kale or lean white chicken meat. My doctors ran all possible tests on me: full bloodwork, ultrasound, endoscopy, hida scan, tested me for parasites, h.pylori, diabetes, pregnancy, POTS, autoimmune diseases, mono, and cmv. All tests came back negative, but I still can't eat. Any idea what this could be?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Do you cook from scratch or do you eat processed foods?  Processed foods contain chemicals which can irritate you stomach.   Do you have any problems with your bowel habits?  Does your stomach pain stay in one place or move about? Does it come and go?   Was IBS ever mentioned?
    • Posted

      Since I became I'll I've only tried organic foods and they have the same effect on me, it's just milder. I don't have stomach pains anymore. I do have one, but this illness has not brought any change to my bowels.

    • Posted

      Have you tried a food diary to see what other foods,other than greasy ones,you may be iintolerant to? Muscle weakness, fatigue and dizxiness may be caused by the fact you have had to exclude a lot of foods from your diet and you are nit getting enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients   See your doctor again.
    • Posted

      Try a food diary to see what foods you are inolerant to.
    • Posted

      I take supplements for vitamins, but I will ask my doctor to test me for food intolerances. Thanks.
  • Posted

    Hi Ashley

    I am going through the same thing. I'm having these symptons also. I wake up being nasuea, muscleweakness and lightheadness. I've had most of the test that you've mentioned but not all. I am going through perimenopause so I don't know if this could be from my hormones also. I have lost weight and I don't want to lose any more. There was a time a few weeks ago when my appetite increased and I was able to eat without any symptons. Actually I was going very well with the gastritis until I took antibiotic that dr. Prescribed for a uti that I did not have.

    It triggered gastritis back with a vengeance

    I cannot take PPI s they seem to worsen symtons the following day. Cause more weakness, tremors and fatigue, worse than before

    PPi s pull vitamin b , potassium and magnesium out of your body.

    Have your doctor considered fibromyalgia? those are also symptons of it. But there is no actual test to do for it .

    You mentioned how you can't eat certain foods and when you do it brings on symptons. Lately, I've been this way, in the past I've suffered with fibromyalgia and I'm noticing the same symptons .

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