Can't take it anymore
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Honestly cant deal. I know googling is the worst thing to do but i did.
At times wth all these symptoms I swear it feels like the early stages of AlS and not hormonal. Yet the Drs say everythings fine.
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christina81747 susan39015
i hear ya i do same thing as soon i start feeling anxious im googling is this normal is it from estrogen progesterone will i go crazy lol! i know i shouldnt but im doing it today i think i have some disease im emotiinal im stressed feel like i will lise my mind cyse i dont talk about it cause i know my hubby dont understand andmy friends arent foing thru it and then im tired of listening ti myself lol!! its hard to believe its all hormones !!! My arm hurts back hurts chest hurts head hurts eyes burn bloated nauseous should i go on i think u get idea! And its all probably from stress worrying whats wrong with me!!!!
kelly55079 susan39015
Me either... I absolute hate dealing with this period and everything thing that happens during it. I don't like the extra weight gain which is so hard to fight off. And now I'm having foot problems-- tendinitis in my foot.. I hope this is it because I'm ready for the ol folks home at 50.
crystals51917 susan39015
It's horrible! I goggle too and probably shouldn't because that makes things worse. I leave goggle and come here to talk to ladies who can relate. I just know it's got to get better. This wkend has been so trying and difficult with all these symptoms. I don't understand either. Ugh!!! Hopefully we ALL will feel better.
sharon03238 susan39015
Hi Hunny
Yes ive done the same googled everthing and made myself ill, pls dont do it anymore you'll make yourself so ill xx
lina19 susan39015
i used to google up my symptoms too....that is, until i found this forum. Bless the person who started it. I come her to find solace! as rightly mentioned, nobody understands us unless they have been thru it personally. so y bother talking about it. instead i just come thru the posts, respond to some and wish everyone here strength to get thru this stage and come out the other end soon. Thanks to all!
kimberly96221 susan39015
Ya don't Google!! That was my huge mistake. It made my anxiety sooo bad and now I have completely lost control of it. I've become a hypochondriac. Every little twitch I get I instantly panic and I know there is no reason too. It's changed me so much. I don't enjoy life, my appetite is gone. I try to eat just to keep my body functioning. The minute I stew about something my tummy starts to feel funny and I can't eat.
I know my low hormones are to blame to a degree. I get HRT on Wednesday so praying that will help and relax my nerves and put an end to this horrible anxiety and misery!
pamela2016 susan39015
i use to google too was a vicious cycle til i realized everytime i googled google had me dying it always brings up cancer or some horrible disease and that set my panic off worse. i will google a few things here and there but i had to break the obsessively googling it was making my anxiety worse.hang in there all this is hard
Thank all of you ladies for your replies. I know i need to stop googling it is just so hard feeling these things and being told youre fine. I am also under a lot of stress have been for a long time and now faced with wanting to leave my marriage but i dint know where to begin bcuz i dont make enough money. Hopeless does not begin to describe how im feeling. There arent enough words.
Thank you all for listening:) Iwish you all better days ❤
lisa17089 susan39015
hey Susan
I hear you loud and clear. I'm currently in bed my partner asleep next to me and guess what I've been doing? yes googling. this has been going on for years now, I've diagnosed myself with ever cancer going I've taken myself to hospital more times than I can remember because I've thought I was seriously ill. to thinking I had hepatitis linked to liver cancer, to thinking I couldn't swallow, the list goes on and on far too many times and symptoms to write on here. the thing what nobody realises is, I was actually feeling am these symptoms I wasn't making them up, yes I now know my anxiety was making them worse and as for googling, well what can I say I still do it. well now I think everything which I have suffered has been linked to the menopause, not long ago I thought I had ALS, I twitch regularly and had aching weak muscles. I was convinced. now I'm worried I'm getting g alzheimer's as my memory is shocking. yesterday I couldn't remember if it was 2018 or 2019. I'm frightened to death so I know exactly how you are feeling. big hugs and take care xx
sharon03238 lisa17089
I'm 5 years into meno, i was exactly the same as you, i was making myself so ill, I've stopped it all and yes i had a moment yesterday could remember the year hahahahahaha xx
rebecca_68782 susan39015
Sounds like me. I have stopped and now I read on here. This forum is awesome. Of course it doesn't always help the worry. Every ache I think the worst. Google is not helpful.