Can the pain be as bad to made us think we have other serious diseases, like Lyme or RA?
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hello! my name is malina and my problems started a year ago with a weird, all of a sudden shoulder pain. since then i developed all kind of weird symptoms: muscle pain, bone pain, joints pain, mostly on my upper left of my body. i had also jaw and ear pain for a while, but not any more. the pain is daily for almost a year and sometimes unbearable in my shoulder, arm, elbow and my finders. two months ago I started to have a problem with my right foot, my heel and my toes. the pain comes and goes. i did all the possible investigations and apart from a tendinitis or a shoulder bursitis, breast cysts and a uterus fibroid all seems to be ok. no autoimmune diseases, no sign of inflammation, my blood tests are impeccable. i did a couple of mri of my shoulder, elbow, fist, breasts and uterus, my hormones are in normal ranges. my periods are different and for two months came at 40 days, now at 22, 23 days. i have an excruciating pain in my left breast, my left rib cage and i am peeing every half an hour. i had 6 months of insomnia, now i sleep way better. my face has the peach aspect and noticed that on my chin i have small hair. . i also did 4 different tests of Lyme disease and a western blot test, no Epstein Bar virus, nothing. my question is can the perimenopause pain caused by hormonal imbalances can be so painful? thank you!
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debra16694 malina55946
hi malina - To answer your question...yes! i suffer from debilitating leg pain - its not my joints so much as my tendons, ligaments & muscles. it has literally rendered me disabled & it came on overnight 14 months ago - it comes in waves, sometimes really bad pain, then less - its odd because i can do yoga & water movement /weights with ease, just standing & walking kill me - i pray everyday for this to pass -
tamsin00119 debra16694
Hi Debra
Have you had yourself checked for Fibromyalgia?
malina55946 debra16694
debra, thank you for your reply and I am sorry you are going through the same hell as I. these days my breasts are inflamed and the left one is so painful that i would like to scream. my arm and my palm are a bit swollen also and painful. i forgot to mention the burning sensation in mu whole body that comes and goes. i try to eat healthy and to keep my mind positive, but it s not possible. i considered having fibromyalgia, lupus, lyme, RA, MS, nothing wrong in my investigations to lead us to any conclusion. my gp is horrible, i went abroad and stayed in a hospital and did most of my investigations, after they told me here that perhaps it s just anxiety. i am depressed because of the pain, sure, not the other way around.
debra16694 tamsin00119
hi tamsin00 - yes, my sed rate is fine & no auto immune - i am now experiencing some neck & shoulder issues, & of course a few joints in knuckles - i had bone density a couple of months ago, no osteoporosis - this literally came on overnight...i have been a work horse my whole life, now i am reduced to limited function since my achiness -
malina55946 debra16694
same here, all auto immune came back negative, rheumatoid factor good, anti nuclear antibodies negative, pain mostly on my left side, pain that comes and goes. the rheumatologist said my blood tests are superb, yet i feel like i am going to die. i am 40, had a medical abortion a couple of months before all this started. i am thinking that my body stopped producing progesterone and i became estrogen dominant, but who am i to say this. why do we have doctors. it s not the right time to talk about nhs, they are today s heroes.
debra16694 malina55946
hi Malina - oh yes, i have suffered horribly from the burning body parts & even though i am 7 years post menepause, my menopause symptoms didnt kick in until roughly 3 years ago & i have been slammed ever since - yes, i too am estrogen dominant & i doubt there is an ounce of progesterone left in the tank - my nervous system is completely shattered - i just read that stress raises inflammation so no wonder my body has been especially achy - oy vey!
hopeforever malina55946
Malina i have been crying all morning thinking the same thing. My mind is going crazy "how can this be hormones. I woke up this morning feeling like a 90 yr old. My joints cracking, terrible back pain and stiffness. Legs heavy, tingling sensation, headache, right baby toe numb, heavy upper body and arms, right rib hurting. Sinus stuffy. Hard to walk. Since March hit all hell broke loose all over again. i got a nice break for a while, me thinking that i was out of the woods then BAM. This is a mental roller coaster to what ? Better ? When ? I am suffering, all us women are. It is like the symptoms talk to each other. This week i will give her terrible back pain then tomorrow i will give her head aches, etc,etc,etc. I find that during 12.30 to 3 am at night all hell breaks out for me. Internal tremors and anxiety, insomnia, fear. This all is madness and i thank God for this forum and you ladies. Praying for you and everyone
malina55946 hopeforever
hello and thank you for your reply. i wonder why is this happening to us? what have we done to deserve such a punishment? i ve noticed i feel better if i walk and keep myself busy. the breast pain is killing me and makes me think i am going to develop something bad.
may69987 malina55946
hi malina sorry for what you are going through but your not alone i did go through all that and i thought i had RA ,lupus and so many other disease my feet and heals were so much in pain ,joint and tenders some days i could barley walk and i am 43 years old ,every blood test and mri , ct scan came normal ,i start going gym and that made so much diff rent ,and i have being in birth control for the past 3 months and that changed everything no more pain , my mode is way better , the joint pain i barley have it only when it is my period time , so it is all to do with the freaking hormones ,hope you feel better
malina55946 may69987
thank you for your message. i am always thinking i have a terrible disease, my doctor and all the doctors who have seen me are just not able to figure it out what s wrong with me? i used to be a healthy, happy woman, not any more. i ll die in pain, no i cannot walk and go to work, the pain is unbearable. my left arm and palm are really swollen, not bad, bad o can feel a discomfort and my breasts are bigger and bigger and inflamed, like i have given birth to a child a week ago and i have to feed him. i used to have small and firm breasts, now are soft, big and ugly, makes me sick to even look at me. i also gain weight and not able to lose a gram.
malina55946 may69987
hello again, may. can you give me more details about the birth control pills you are taking? a doctor told me once i could try, but never gave me details or a prescription and now my gp is a moron. i did some hormonal tests and my progrsterone is a bit low. the abortion pill was supposed to stop me producing progesterone, so probably i stopped and now i need to re establish balance. thank you!
Chickadeesgrl malina55946
I know what you are going through. For two years on & off, I had episodes of the pain you described. Blood tests normal as I have tested positive years ago for RA. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. With the help of a naturopath, I doubled my daily intake of magnesium, started on CoQ10, take a daily CBD oil (manufactured so over the counter). I noticed an ease in my joints. daily exercise with light weights. What helps me most is massage. The first time I went I cried in pain because my body was so tensed. Now it feels good.
thank you for your message. i try to walk and to keep myself active, but i get tired easily. for the last three days I am in terrible pain, yesterday all my muscles and tendons were on fire. i ll think to start taking estrace vagianl of pills and progesterone on my own, my doctor says the same thing, that my hormone levels are normal. i repet, no auto immune diseases, ana negative, crp normal, lyme test done 5 times, western blot clean. i am very emotional, i lost my confidence, my self esteem is zero, my hair is falling a lot, my skin is dry, my period is not as before, i have tendonitis in my shoulder, my elbow is swollen, my breast engorged and achy, around waist i am fluffy. i have like a tight band on my arm, burning all over, my left heel in pain from time to time, my fingers smth achy. i need to know if i can try estrace and progesterone and what would be the dosage. help!