can this really be just health anxiety? why is it so sudden?
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im looking to see if anyone else is going through the same as me for a bit if reassurance really. about 5 weeks ago my boyfriend caught a stomach bug and a few days later i think i caught the same, i was in bed and started smelling a bonfire smell immediately folllowed by me needing to use the toilet and feeling sick. the smell lasted around an hour in one nostril and i panicked straight away thinking i had some kind if tumour (ive always been an overthinker but never to this extent) the smell went and the next day i was on the toilet again and just thought ive caught this stomach bug. the say after i started to get a kind if head pressure which he said he had aswell however his went after a few days. im a type 1 diabetic so i know i can take longer to get over illnesses. after a couple of weeks the head pressure was still there and i was completely panicking that i had a brain tumour. the head pressure went and i was left with a kind of heavy, spaced out kind of feeling but it wasnt as bad as it was so i just presumed it was getting better. just under 2 weeks ago i went for a lash appointment and while i was getting them done i just got this strange feeling of faint, sweating. tingly hands, thought i was going to die and my eyes woukdnt stop flickering because they were taped shut i just wanted to get out ( i get my lashes done all the time and this has never happened before) ever since that event i feel i have got 10x worse, i cannot concentrate on anything, muscle twitches, my head trembles, i get brain zaps, etc. and its taking over my daily life i spend every second googling and worrying. i went to the doctors and she did a neuro exam the usual checks and said they were all fine, blood pressure etc all ok. she referred me to have some routine blood tests CBC amd they all came back clear but ive been left with no reassurance and still have all the symptoms. could this really just be health anxiety? i feel a but better when i have a distraction but im even finding it hard ti focus on the distraction. its like a vicious circle whenever i get a symptom i immediately panic thinking the worst and get more symptoms
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jan34534 georgia35808
this is kind of long but I really empathize with you because I know what you’re going through.
i. I have had health anxiety and generalized anxiety for over 30+ years., along with more symptoms than I can count! I have learned a lot along the way.
first, your blood test was normal which is great. Usually if there is something were going on there would be something that shows up on your blood test. And your Neuro exam was normal also.
I learned that one of the worst things we can do is Google everything. When we do that we are telling our brain that is something is wrong. So the brain reacts with more symptoms. Nothing on Google is going to pertain to your individual situation. so you will just scare yourself for no reason. You’re not going to be able to diagnose yourself that way.
I have had every single one of your symptoms plus many more. The symptoms, even though they feel weird and scary, cannot hurt you! They are just telling you that there is too much stress and anxiety going on..
The reason a lot of people with anxiety symptoms think there’s something seriously wrong is because anxiety tends to show its symptoms in the nervous system.
if they were harmful, I would be very ill or not here anymore.
The reaction you had when you were getting your lashes done was very typical of an anxiety or panic attack. They can come on suddenly without warning! That’s the time when you do some focusing on long slow deep breathing..what happened is extremely common in people who have anxiety.
you’re not going to die from any of this. I know how uncomfortable it feels. But you can also learn how to manage this. Have you ever considered getting counseling for your anxiety?
distractions are good but something even better which is kind of similar is focusing on the present moment. It takes you away from the fear, anxiety, etc. there are some great short meditations for being in the present moment on YouTube. When your mind wanders to other things, you just gently return to the present moment each time it happens. I hope this is helpful in a little bit!❤
georgia35808 jan34534
hi thank you for your reply ive also started to experience eye floaters in the corners of my vision but im unsure if theyve always been there and now im just more aware because of my anxiety?
jan34534 georgia35808
eye floaters are not harmful. People with anxiety for some reason tend to get them including myself. I have had them for over 30 years . I ignore them and then I don’t notice them. After a while the brain tends to tune them out.
many people on this anxiety for him also get them.
mai71267 jan34534
this helps me alot! thank you!@
georgia35808 jan34534
thank you for this just hoping it goes away soon, ive never experienced this before so it makes it worse
natalie23195 georgia35808
I have health anxiety from being mis diagnosed with a heart attack after a pharmacist saw me at the doctors for chest pain mine is always around but anytime I get a bug or headache or anything I always think the worse and that I'm dying which makes me I'll even more hope your ok
georgia35808 natalie23195
ive always been a worryer but never to this extent with physical symptoms now i just want then to go away 😦 its my birthday next week and im not going to be able to celebrate properly because of how im feeling