Can you get joint pain after antibiotics?

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I really need some help!

I was bitten by a tick over 2 months ago. My ankle swelled by almost immediately but I didn't realise it was a tick bite for 3 weeks. The tick fell out by itself and I then developed the bulls eye ring.

My doctor put me on antibiotics and I had a blood test that was negative.

I spoke to my doctor again a few days ago as I am still having joint pain in my ankle and I now my other ankle has swollen quite badly. The doctor said it will go away on its own and I needn't worry as my blood test is negative.

I am worried though as I am only 34 and have never experienced joint pain before-let alone in both ankles. I do run regularly, however I haven't sprained my ankle and have had to limit or stop running as it is way too painful.

Should i be pushing for another blood test? Can lyme spread from one joint to another? Particularly in both ankles? I have had headaches and feel quite tired (but I also have an 8month old baby and a 4 year old!)..

But no other symptoms.

Any help or sharing of your similar experiences would be really appreciated!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I also got bitten on the leg and developed a bulls eye rash. I think it took me a few days to go to the doctor as I unfortunately didn't think it was a big deal. I was given antibiotics and sort of felt ok for a year or so and then it came back with a vengeance and I was so ill I was bed-ridden. So yes, based on my anecdotal experience, Lyme can survive a course of doxcycline (or whatever you have been prescribed). I don't know where you are based - I'm in the UK where blood tests are notoriously unreliable - lyme can produce repeated false negative results. I ended up having more courses of doxcycline but they didn't help, particularly as it was 18 months after I'd been bitten. I ended up trying anti-microbial herbs which helped me so much and I saw an immediate difference (I was a complete sceptic before trying them and only did so as a last resort). I can't link to the book I used as my comment will be deleted, but def do your research as the info is out there. Whatever route you decide, whether going back to the doctor or alternatives, I would definitely say don't delay, as the longer you leave it the more time the bacteria has to take over your cells and the harder it is to shift. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      if in England, two doctors i see that have been trained by ILADS is Joshua Berkowitz, MD

      London +44 203 095 0009 OR try Daud Mohamed, MD, Infectious Diseases Specialist Hertfordshire

      ++44 1442 261333

      check out for good information

  • Posted

    hi, how are you feeling now? if better, what did you do to get better? I'm 3 weeks into Lyme and feeling awful, with migrating joint pain and fatigue.

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