Can you help me please?

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Hiya. I know you've all been asked questions before, but I wonder if I could ask one again, please? I am 59 years old and haven't felt well for many years. I have PCOS, and developed chronic fatigue in 2004. I gained 5 1/2 stones in weight - mainly my abdomen. My shoulders and hips hurt. My memory is awful and sometimes I have trouble expressing myself properly as I can't remember the words. I have high blood pressure, and my ankles swell up. I have other symptoms which I won't bother going into. Here are my questions; Does everyone develop the striae? I have a pendulous abdomen but no stretch marks, but I didn't develop them during my pregnancy either. My GP is really dismissive and tells me to go away and diet with exercise, so I don't want to embarrass myself again by asking for a Cortisol test as I'm sure he thinks I'm a hypondriac! Many thanks.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, i had my Op for Cushings in September 2014. I too never developed the red stretch marks on my abdomen. I had every other symptom thats mentioned though. I was only took seriously when i attempted to take my own life in june and while my stay in hospital they decided to do a 48 hour dextramethosone test which confirmed i had Cushings. I had already had a 24hr urine test in the feb and even though that came back showing signs i had it they never bothered telling me til i was admitted. All i will say is keep pushing on and ask for a second opinion. It disgusts me that this disease is not taken seriously. I wish you all the best and my thoughts are with you.xx
  • Posted

    Hi Helene i paid for a private cortisol test, am in the uk, my gp had done his own test i should get the result next week, the private test was high x
  • Posted

    Hi Helene,  G.P.s are so ignorant about Cushings mainly because they have never seen it and are scared by the prospect.  Is there another G.P. in the practice you can see?  You should not have to pay for any tests.  I did have the striae but understand that ohters do not.  Keep trying to get some sense out of a G.P.  Cushings is never included on any medical surveys etc.  We are just too rare.  Let us know how you go.
  • Posted

    Hi,I,too,think you should be able to see another doctor. Tell them your fears,and ask for a cortisol test to be done.I just about had every symptom listed for Cushings,including striae.In fact,all I didn't have was high blood pressure,despite my steroid levels being 4 times what they should be.Not everybody gets everything,they are just a list of possible symptoms associated with this rare disease.Thinking of you.Keep in touch.Gill
  • Posted

    Hi everyone. Thanks for your replies. My GP denied me a Cortisol test this morning based on the fact that I have no stretch marks. He gave me a long chat on the African famine and how the modern diet is so plentiful that we eat more than our bodies require. He has written me up for the normal blood tests, which have all been negative in the past. I think I'll wait until after the results are in and he's told me to eat less and then I'll pay privately for a Cortisol test.
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      this may sound odd but when I was finally diagnosed my G.P. who is wonderful admitted that he would now look at obese (fat) women in a different light as some of them may have Cushings.  I still do not think that you should have to pay for a Corsitol test.  Let's see what the bloods show if anything.Good luck
    • Posted

      why are gps so againist this test, yes wait till you get your results then do the private test , the blood should be taken about 9am x
    • Posted

      Hi Helene,Just a suggestion to try and clear up the subject of stretch marks.Try contacting the Pituitary Foundation,and ask them your questions.I've found them very helpful.Even when I needed a question answered earlier tho year,I sent them an email,and they got back to me very quickly.The reason I did this was because I couldn't get an answer from my Endo at the hospital to help me with medication doses.It's worth a try.

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