Can you start the menopause at the age of 35.
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Hi there.
I am 35 years old, & for the last few months have had hot flushes in the night. My body feels totally wet through, including the bed. I know it sounds disgusting !. I have been thinking that maybe its the early stages of the Menopause.
Does anyone know ?
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Yes u can take an early menopause. Doctors often dismiss it when ur below the \"common\" age for it.
If I was u, Id mae an appt with my GP for bloods to be taken (they check for hormone levels which can be indicative of menopause.
However, if nothing shows in ur bloods, u may be experiencing what is referred to as peri-menopause. This is a kind of transitional phase.
\"Many women experience a transition phase prior to menopause. This transition phase is called pre or peri-menopause. This is when a woman may start to notice her body beginning to change. During the period, a woman's body begins to slow its production of the female hormone oestrogen. This change in hormone levels can cause weight gain, irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and decreased libido. In fact, recent studies have found for every two pounds of weight gained during menopause, the risk of high blood pressure increases by as much as five percent. Some women also experience aches and pains, mood swings, anxiety and insomnia (difficulty sleeping). These uncomfortable symptoms while benign in nature, can lead to serious quality of life issues. This reduced quality of life is the primary reason women seek out solutions. \"
Ive copied this little quote from an article I read recently ( Ive been experiencing similar symptoms to yourself (except the sweats) for a couple of years now. Im 42 and 3/4.... :lol: )
Take Care
Thats for all the info, it was very informative.
Today, I have been to my GP, & like you said she took some bloods. So I`ll just have to wait and see.
Bye for now.
deirdre01438 nannyjoanne
vicky77852 deirdre01438
Hi! I'm in the same boat! 42 years old and with all these awful symptoms! My only solution was hrt! I just cannot go on my life facing all these are you?
deirdre01438 vicky77852
Hi Vicki, may I ask how the hrt is going? How long did it take before you got hrt? I'm only 35 going on 36 in May and I have been suffering for almost 3 years now. I have had so many tests and I keep telling doctors I am in peri and they dont believe me. I really want to try hrt but I cant get them to give it to me.
vicky77852 deirdre01438
Hi! Sorry for feeling so bad! I was for 2 months at an absolutely nightmare! Irregular periods for 4 months, night sweats, body aches, dry mouth...I couldn't function at all, I couldn't work! I was thinking that a have lupus or something very bad. My first gyn said that it was all in my mind and to go again after 6 months! I went private to another and he said that hrt is a necessity due to my age. He made his diagnosis based on my symptoms. I felt better almost immediately. I'm on hrt 6 months now and I can feel human again. Take your health on your hands! Hope you feel better! 🌹
deirdre01438 vicky77852
Hi Vicky, thank youyou for your message. How long did it take the hrt to work on the anxiety and low moods? I'm having lots of trouble getting a doctor to listen. My age is what is making then say no. I've knocked on lots of doors. Its just so frustrating. I've been given the birth control pill so I'm trying that and I must go back to my own gp after 3 months. I hope my own go will hear me out. I dont want to go down anti depressants route. I tried anxiety medication and they made me worse so its either I continue miserable until my hormones show something more in tests or I try the bc pill. Its a low dose one so it may not help my symptoms much. I just miss me.
vicky77852 deirdre01438
Hi! Hope you feel better soon! I felt better on hrt after 3 weeks and have more energy. My gyn did not help me at all saying that I'm too young blah blah blah... I was devastated and lost! I spent a lot of time and energy to find an informed one! It's very disappointing to feel helpless and alone. I'm on seq type HRT and more stable emotionally now.