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I'm a 53 year old male with type 2 diabetes mellitus. I've been diagnosed with GAD, depression, 2 inguinal hernias, obesity.
In February 2017 I was urinating more than I thought I should. So I went into my doctor. They found microscopic hematuria in my urine 3-10hpf. They referred me to a urologist. When I went to the urologist they did another urinalysis, rectal check, CT scan of my abdominal and pelvic areas, cyctoscopy, and a PSA blood draw. My PSA level was a 2. They said everything was normal. They found right lateral hydrothrophy of my prostrate. That I had possible gallstones and a fatty liver. This reassured me for awhile. Then fear started creeping in that they missed something and I had cancer somewhere. I started running to my doctor every other day. I had about three episodes of syncope. The hospital did 2 CT scan of my head, a lot of blood work and multiple chest xrays. They said everything was normal. My doctor said everything was normal and I was suffering from anxiety. They put me on venlafixine 37.5mg. They just upped it 5 weeks ago to 75mg . I start seeing a psychiatrist Wednesday. I also had a colonoscopy two years ago and they said it was normal. I had 1 polyp that they said had no way of being cancer. I've also had fatigue and back pain. The back pain has been off and on for years. Here are my questions. 1. Do you think the doctors have done enough testing to rule out anything serious? 2. Do you think it's my anxiety? 3. Could the hernias, fatty liver, and gallstones cause the stomach bloating and back pain? Thanks for the help.
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JoyKF53 john_62060
Hi. Yes, yes and yes. Your doctors know what they're doing and your anxiety has taken over. I'd say you need counselling to help overcome your anxiety issues.
john_62060 JoyKF53
I'm going to see a psychiatrist Wednesday morning for the first time joy.
lynda20916 JoyKF53
How are you and your husband getting on? xx
JoyKF53 john_62060
JoyKF53 lynda20916
Hi Lynda. Same old, same old. Husband still has one wound that won't heal. He has an appointment in September to meet the plastic surgeon and the gastric surgeon at the same time with a view to surgery to repair the massive hernia that he has and if possible to reverse the colostomy. So only time will tell. As for me, had check up following Gamma knife surgery which showed that the brain tumour is stable, another check up in 12 months. Having 4 monthly check ups post chemo and radiotherapy. Now have sinus problems so have ENT appointment next month. How are you?
lynda20916 JoyKF53
Thanks for letting me know how you and your husband are getting on! I'm glad you're doing well and that your husband could have surgery to improve his condition.
I was supposed to have surgery to remove the tumor from my left side and the three lymph nodes from my right on February 13.
Got a severe cold and it was postponed till the 28th. Over the cold, now but having a difficult time quelling my anxiety. My doctor said he's not worried about postponing for a couple of weeks, though. Only time will tell for all of us. xx
JoyKF53 lynda20916
Please let me know how you get on, I'll be thinking of you.
lynda20916 JoyKF53
lynda20916 john_62060
Hi, John. Sorry you're going through this. It seems to me that the doctors have done all they can do for the present. Of course you are anxious, because you do have several health problems. But I want you to think that your anxiety may be a way for you to cope with your health problems without doing anything constructive.
I suggest you employ a nutritionist to tweak your diet, and reduce the fat deposits in your liver. Lose some weight, and I think your back problem might improve. Certainly, the fatty liver and the gallstones would affect your stomach and cause bloating. Try to get healthier, so that you can have surgery if you need it. xx
john_62060 lynda20916
Yeah it's been a hard year Lynda. My fear has taken over big time.
lynda20916 john_62060
I understand, so very well! I am a "propitiatory worrier." That means that if I am scared enough and worried enough and anxious enough, that some how "the gods" will take pity on me and the worst that I'm obsessing about won't happen.
I was diagnosed with "generalized anxiety disorder" years ago and got cognitive therapy for it. It did help. But what really helped was to take the actions that I could take to make things better.
Please know that I'm thinking of and praying for you. Please let us know how you get on!
john_62060 lynda20916
lynda20916 john_62060
Well, I did research into what causes fatty liver disease, as I have it, too. It is thought that what causes the disease is consuming high levels of all types of sugar, including high fructose corn syrup.
There are high levels of sugar in all types of convenience foods, especially those marketed as "low fat" foods, in order to make them more palatable. So, I stopped consuming carbonated drinks that contained hfc. I also cut way back on my sugar intake, including the sugars in convenience foods. I haven't ever used diet soft drinks or sugar substitutes, as they tend to mess with your digestion. They also make you crave more sugar, rather than less. Started drinking 64 ounces of water a day. .
I incorporated more chicken and salads. I ate grass fed beef and grass fed butter. Milk from grass fed cows, too. Cooked with a bit of butter, olive oil or coconut oil. Ate small and frequent meals.
I looked into what supplements would help my liver to function better. And, note, it wasn't any herb or herbal preparation sold over the counter that is supposed to clean out the liver. Those can be dangerous, in my opinion. I looked at what vitamins, etc. I needed. If you want to know more, send me a private e-mail. I'm not selling anything.
I got a fitness tracker, and worked up to 5,000 steps a day. Not a lot, but more than I was getting. I lost 30 pounds.
Eventually, my fatty liver disease was labelled as "mild" by my gastroenterologist.
Hope this helps. xx
john_62060 lynda20916
Boy sounds like you've done a lot. They have referred me to a psychiatrist and I go Wednesday morning. March 7th I go back to the urologist for my year checkup. Maybe I can put this behind me.
lynda20916 john_62060
I hope that you'll be able to put it behind you. In the US psychiatrists usually don't provide cognitive therapy. They mostly prescribe medications. I don't know about the UK, though! Best of luck to you!
JoyKF53 john_62060
Let's hope so. Fingers crossed.
john_62060 lynda20916
lynda20916 john_62060
Yes am in the US. That's one of the great things about this site! Folks from all over!
john_62060 lynda20916
lynda20916 john_62060
It does. It helps to know that you're not the only one going through health problems, and worrying about the outcome. There are more people than you would think.