Candida / oral thrush

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Hi all me again! I’ve never been a thrushy person but my tongue is very suggestive of oral thrush ( white coated ). I had nystatin from GP which helped but has not gotten rid of it. I have a tickly throat too. I have read Candida infections are more common with changing hormones.

Is anyone else able to relate to this and what suggestions do you all have ? 

I’m being checked for iron and thyroid at the moment xx

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kate... yes yes...ive had yeast infection in my mouth a few times and also down below...its due to a low immune system due to hormone changes...

    I dont get so much now....i take supplements now and dont get as much...all part of the course...hope you feel better soon....CK

  • Posted

    Hi Kate,  I have had candida 3 different times in my life,  and I just got another infection my doctor is a natural path MD,( so both)   mine has been so bad that I have fungus going on everywhere my mouth, my head, my toenails, and of course vaginal also but my digestion gets it the worse and I'm 4 years Perimenapause... I was also diagnosed with ibs and high blood sugar!  I have lots of the common stuff also hot flashes etc.  but this fungus can make you extremely sick and peri made it happen to me again I know this, also nystatin did not work for me so I was put on amphotericin.. This I haved used all times hope it works again I am starting on Monday as it is being shipped to me!  I really hope you feel better!

  • Posted

    Hi Kate.  I’m so glad you posted this.  I knew that I saw it a few weeks ago and when I developed oral thrush I went looking for it again.  So, a couple of weeks ago I had some itching around my rectum (sorry if tmi). I just used some external cream and it cleared up.  Then when I removed my toenail polish, I had white spots across all of my toenails.  (Never seen that before). And now I have developed thrush.  This happened a few months ago too, but I don’t know what it was and I guess it sort of cleared itself up...but my dentist removed a white spot off of my tongue and sent it for biopsy and it came back fine.  So when the white spots returned on my tongue (after I had been sick with a cold for a couple of weeks), I noticed the back of my tongue looks pretty white too...I went to the doctor yesterday and she gave me a mouthwash to try.  I really hope it clears up bc I am freaking out thinking there is something wrong with my immune system!! And I am dying of course.  At this point I’m assuming it is in my gut.
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    Also did you have a dry mouth with it?
    • Posted

      Hi  still have a coated tongue; some days better than others.

      I have a dry mouth and have now developed phlegm at the back of my throat I can’t get rid of! My uncle who is a retired doctor thinks it is likely to be linked to acid reflux ! 

    • Posted

      Hi Kate.  Thank you so much for replying.  I just started the prescription mouthwash today.  I hope it gets rid of it.  I have the phlegm in the back of my throat too.  So aggravating.  The dry mouth has gotten a little better, I think.  About 6 months ago I had an ent do a scope bc I kept having a sore throat and he said he thought it was reflux causing it.  Keep me updated!
    • Posted

      That’s interesting - I don’t think we have had thrush I think we have reflux which can cause s coated tongue xx

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