Cannot find an answer, lots of symptons.

Posted , 6 users are following.

Sorry for the bland title.

For 2 years now I have been suffering from constant, daily nausea, dizzyness (I wear glasses at the computer) and jabbing/slashing pains, sometimes dull, around my belly button and to the sides of it, although now it's less frequent. I have rare indigestion, such as today, it was a belch (like a ball in my mouth feeling) and felt something creep up but go. Also I get hot flushes/hot flashes and had one earlier that lasted about 10 minutes.

It started on the day I had a takeaway from my regular place, went outisde after eating for a cigarette and belched like I was going to be sick, but wasn't. I have dry heaved a year ago, a few times but nothing recently.

I am taking Omeprazole, Domperidone, Ear Spray to clean them out, and Folic Acid.

I have had blood and stool tests (they were clear) but the blood test came back with kindeys not filtering properly and low folic acid levels, that is all they said.

I have been in tears over this because this is not going away or clearing up. I just do not know what else to do. I know I shouln't really seek help online but many doctor visits say the same thing. I am going to book again, soon and hopefully get to the bottom of this.

I drink water rarely, tea mainly and smoke about 5 a day with a healthy ish diet.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Cannot find the Edit button to add to the post. I mostly sit crunched forward at my PC if that is causing any of this? I tried breathing deep, eating ginger biscuits, sipping water and lemonade but nothing is helping.
    • Posted

      There is no edit button!  Go back to your doctor and ask them what they are going to do about your kidneys not filtering properly.
  • Posted

    I think you have got anxiety problem and you should quit smoking. This triggers a lot of things along with anxiety. 
    • Posted

      I don't understand why it suddenly came after eating, I was in the gym the before lifting weights, I wasn't worried or anxious at all.

  • Posted

    Go to a hospital E/R for a complete exam. They have the equipment that most doctors do not.
  • Posted

    Have you checked into it being a parasite?  I don’t think stool tests will always show them.  Parasites are much more common than I would have ever thought having just been diagnosed with one myself.  

     Water is super important for your kidneys, makes its  job easier

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