Cannot get heart rate down

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i have had AF for four years. Have had two ablationxx that have worked for about a year each. Have been in AF for three weeks with high heart rate - 106-109. Have been to hospital and GP and cardiologist. Have been put on waiting list for third ablation. Am taking Flexanide, Bisoprolol - 10mgs and Diltiazem and although heart rate gone down to 101 I cannot believe it is still too high. I am going on holiday in three weeks and feel really concerned.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    If going abroad have you told your travel insurance company about your pre existing condition? 
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    106 and 109 are high but not that high. 8 months ago I had an ablation for both afib and aflutter. Now my heart rate is around 66 bpm. I don't know which of the two was worse for me. All I can suggest is to have another procedure to cure you of the aflutter. My first ablation worked for about 15 month and then it came back with a dash of aflutter. So please don't be disappointed in your last two procedures go back and have another one to rid you of the aflutter, other wise you'll be on pills for the rest of your life and feeling bad all the time so do yourself a favor and have another ablation to correct the aflutter. The only pill I take is 81 mg of asprin. There is light at the end of your tunnel. 
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      Words of comfort mike78443. It is hard to know how to deal with each medics attitude to the heart rate. My doctor sent me straight to A&E. My cardiologist sent me home. It dropped to 52 last night then has gone straight back up this morning after a night's sleep. AF seems such a hit and miss problem and the medications so strong. I will keep going.
  • Posted

    I will insure through one of the pre existing medical condition websites. I always do.
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    Hi Judith  - Have you thought of checking your diet? there may be something you are eating in excess that could be causing your pulse rate to be so high. I had an ablation in March this year and so far I have not had any problems only spasmodic blood pressure problems but this was controlled by adjusting my medication. I am on Bisoprolol, Ramipril and Warfarin. Since I have had my ablation I have revamped my diet, not to extremes, but I take more care than I used too. I have cut down on sugar and other sweetners and I do not eat anything in excess, a bit of everything so to speak and I do not have anything to eat after 6pm. I am trying to improve my sleep pattern as I have not been sleeping too well lately. I am not saying that this is the answer to your problems but It could eliminate the possibility. I had a high pulse rate of 150 leading up to my ablation but now my pulse rate is somewhere between 55/65. Best Regards
    • Posted

      Hi Joiner, I didn't think about food although I eat a moderate diet but do eat sugary things sometimes. I think it is emotion that is my trigger. When I heard my sister had cancer three episodes, on the day of her op a massive one. I am having therapy but hasn't worked so far. It is difficult to separate your emotional thoughts to stop it.

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