Cannot live with the pain and no answers
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I had lapro gallbladder surgery in 2016. Got pancreatitis several months after. Then 3 May 2017 had a colo/endo. When my body woke up I could feel all the electrical devices around me. my intestines contracted and pushed out anything inside me. gas would build up just by being around devices and appliances. now to date, i have excrutiaing pain right side under ribs and it can travel across front and back. feels like barbed wire girdle. i cannot see a future living this way. i feel like i can squeeze gas out of the liver area. i am told i have liver scarring but it shouldnt cause pain. i cant do this anymore. recent colonoscopy was normal. labs are normal. MRCP normal. anyone, is there anyone with mercy who can help me?
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patricia35996 dianna1969
I am so sorry you are going through this. I have the same pain that you have described. I also have scarring of the liver. Which I was told is not connected to the pain. I am currently on a strict diet. I didn't receive any direction from my gastro on what to eat so I did research. This may sound ridiculous but my pain diminished when I stopped drinking diet soda and processed foods.
dianna1969 patricia35996
i have been on a very strict limited diet since May. The pain seems like gas but not in the intestines and its worse when i eat vegetables. But if I eat other foods, like pasta, omgoodness I feel poisoned, even to the point of allergic feelings. I am to the point where I wish I didnt need to eat. That isnt ridiculous at all about the foods you cut out. My docs didnt suggest anything on diet either. I am at a loss. Thank you for your response.
cchurley dianna1969
Hi Diana, I Have too had Laprascopic gall bladder surgery 3 years ago, I also have a great deal of digestive diseases to contend with, & many years of experience with coping with them through much research, personal trials & errors as well. I can share with you what works for me, if you are interested in this, if you can ask specific questions of me. As typing my story is very time consuming to do & this venue doesn't have very updated typing capabilities, which hinders this process. Best wishes
dianna1969 cchurley
thank you, do you have any pain in the liver area? i feel like there is gas in there but outside the intestines. i fond eating vegetable makes the pain worse for the most part, yet the program i have been on pushes vegetables. Laying down is when the pain hurts the most. I still feel highly sensitive around electrical things, do you have metal clips from surgery? any suggestions for relief i will be so grateful. idk if this is liver, pancreas or intestinal, though I had decades of intestinal issues but nothing like this.
cchurley dianna1969
Hi Diana, I would urge you to ask your GI Dr. to order a cat scan for your abdominal area. I was in so much pain in my right side under my rib cage & radiating into my back for 2 years, while my GI Dr. only ordered a colonoscopy & an endoscopy which showed only normal results. One night I simply could not bear this excruciating pain any longer & went to the ER room at the nearest hospital, this ER Dr. immediately ordered a cat scan that showed I had gall stones, & one large stone blocking the opening to my gall bladder, I also had a severe infection from it going on for soooo long! This ER Dr. asked me who my GI Dr. was and told me it was a good thing I'd come to the ER when I did, or I could have died. I was immediately admitted to the hospital and surgery was set up for the following early morning. Scar tissue after this surgery can be painful, but it should'nt keep you awake at night, & should get better with time, as mine surly did, but it took a year or more before it got better. I also take a suppliment called digestive helper from a Company called Wellness Resources. It is unlike any you'll find anywhere, I guarantee you this. I take it right before meals and it truly works! I can now eat literally anything I desire, fatty foods, spicy foods, raw veggies, dairy & anything else I was urged not to eat, after gall bladder surgery. If your Dr. can't help you then I'd urge you to find another GI Specialist that will. Purchase the Mpls./St.Paul Magazine "Top Doctors", there you will locate Doctors that Doctors themselves go to for care. Look under the heading Gastrointerology Doctors for a Good GI Dr. I hope this helps you. Keeping in mind that this is merely my personal story and yours may be different from mine, yet sometimes we can find commonalities in other peoples stories that will lead us to a positive outcome in our own personal journey's to better heath. Let me know if I can share anything else with you that may be of assistance, as I believe that "We are all in this together". Best wishes to you, hang on and never-never give up trying, ok?
audrey32349 dianna1969
I too had gb sugery 2 years ago. I have literally gone through horrible gi issues. Gastritis, hiatus hernis, gerd, nausea, intestinal pain, continuous bloating and gas. Lost so much weight and muscle mass. Have had IBS for years with limited diet but now little by little I can no longer tolerate anything I could eat before the gb surgery. Food is my enemy now. So very scared because the pain in my lower right intestine is getting worse. Bile has exacerbated my IBS to the point of no return and I fear it is destroying my intestines.
I know your fear and pray for your recovery.
dianna1969 audrey32349
everyday I think "if only i didnt have to eat." And laying down-its awful when the things that are supposed to make life enjoyable are so painful; its awful others dont get it, dont realize what we are enduring. I'm almost ready for pain management and forget trying to resolve this. i do fond epsom salt baths help a bit, but there are days when I just feel like going to ER. of course, for what? they think I'm crazy. i do have a question, do you have metal clips? and are you around wifi and electronics a lot?
God be with you. thank you for sharing. I see my gastro doc end of this week, but he is my doc after VA did what they did.
dianna1969 audrey32349
also, i just thought of something. Have you ever taken prozac? I had been diagnosed in the early 90s with IBS but I started on prozac for depression. I never ever had a single symptom until 20 years or more later when my antidepressant was changed, thus they took me off prozac (by then the generic). there are more seritonin receptors in the gut. I tried it again last year but it appeared I was gaining weight on it this time. it didnt in the past, it might be something to look into.
audrey32349 dianna1969
Haven't used that but every time I use medicine I get sicker. I know my dr. wants me to try anti-anxiety meds but I hesitate because I know my stomach will flare.