Cant be bothered
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hi all I used to be so house proud but now I just cant be bothered is this how the menopause makes you feel. I just want to get back to myself again. I walked most days to work but now get the bus and I am starting to pile on the weight and my eating habits have got worse anybody out there going through the same help.
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NothinforNothin susan43259
Hi Susan yes that's how it makes you feel and you have to fight through it. I was on top of my game when peri hit me and it pulled the rug right from under me. Had no idea this was in the cards. I had just bought a house with my husband and was looking to return back to work. When this hit. I lost all my focus. Couldn't concentrate. Couldn't return to work. My house. Usually spotless, especially since moving in. I should be decorating and shopping for it. Nada, nothing. Couldn't think to make any decisions and had no interest to do anything. Although, initially I was too weak to do anything. I'm waiting for my brain fog to lift. Keep yourself busy as much as you can. Try not to think so much about every symptom and just think that it's a normal process woman go through. Some breeze through it some don't. I'm trying to just accept it now and ride it out till it passes. Getting upset will only make you stress more and bring about more symptoms. I hope you feel better soon. You can always take off the weight at a later time when you are feeling stronger. Don't beat yourself up about that! Take care!!!!!
kelly55079 susan43259
me either-- can't be bothered.. I used to be excited about each holiday-- decorating and such.. No more this last year I cleaned each holiday box and gave it to church rummage sale.. It was cute in the earlier years with the kids--now I'm just coasting.. In fact, today I just called my niece to come decorate our finished basement--- we are having X-mas and I need someone to put it together for me. We had it painted 2 years ago but nothing on the walls yet. I used to put flowers out and decorate porch for spring/summer.. Not this time-- just bare--couldn't be bothered. Yes to the weight-- I've noticed a few more pounds BUT I just don't feel like jogging or getting on my bike-- just too much effort. My mom still jogs (trots) on her treadmill-- she's 80 and concerned about her thighs which makes me laugh because she's about 20 lbs less than me.
christine-Perim susan43259
hi! i feel the same way. i used to love taking care of the house, now i resent it. i usually have about ten good days out of the month when I clean , shop, exercise, cook, do my hair etc. the other 20 days i usually spent in bed. remember there is always good days coming.
hang in there....
Roxydog12 susan43259
hi you are not alone this is exactly how i feel. my once immaculate house is a mess i cannot summon up any energy or enthusiasm to get it hack to how it was. i am embarrassed and ashamed i cannot invite friends round anymorel. i feel i have e turned into a fat lazy slob. i dont cook and live off takeaways unless someone else cooks, i cant even face going for a walk let alone exercise properly. all i want to do when i get home from work is shut myself in my bedroom and slob around!!
mel11237 susan43259
I'm the same no interest in anything. I've been trying to exercise and it was going well, but then something trivial happened and it floored me. I can't seem to bounce back... good old peri ... I'm tired but sleep is not of good quality. I will get through it, despite it taking longer to do. The trouble is its exhausting fight the demons even before i start the Christmas is looming... and i feel like the grinch....BUT we can do this ladies dig deep and smile. xx
2chr2015 susan43259
everything you ladies said is exactly how i've felt the last few years. tried to go shopping and just walked around in a daze. it was all so overwhelming....and i'm so sick of that exercise bike commercial. it just makes me feel worse.