Cant lay flat
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Hi ladies I think goodness every day that I have found you all.
I have been experiencing many of the same symptoms that all of you have written about here. It’s probably going on for a couple of years. But one night several months ago I woke up with my heart racing nausea diarrhea numbness in my arms and face trembling and I was hot and cold at the same time. I ended up in the ER.
Many test for my heart and stomach and several months later, everthing came back normal. Thank goodness.
it was during the time that I found this forum and if it wasn’t for all of you I would have had a really rough time getting through it.
it was very comforting reading about how all of you have been going through pretty much a lot of the same things that I have been going through. Since that night and day I have not been able to lay flat in bed. I have to prop up many pillows behind me and practically sit If I end up flat I wake up with my heart racing and my stomach going crazy again and pretty much a lot of the other symptoms.
like all of you I’ve been having trouble sleeping to begin with and then this happened!
just wondering if any of you have experienced anything at all like this?
Sorry for the long post just wanted to make sure I put in all the details .
Many thanks in advance if anyone has any input for me.
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mary27278 rosemarie66
rosemarie66 mary27278
I sometimes have shortness of breath and chest discomfort.
But that happens at random times not only at night.
As I mentioned, I have been tested for everthing. Came back normal expect for some gastritis. I expected to hear acid reflux or hiatal hernia. But thank goodness all clear. My heart also checked out fine in the ER. Seeing a cardiologist in weeks for a follow up.
mrs_susan74280 rosemarie66
HI, 7 weeks ago I woke up in a panic trembling, shakeing , heart going ten to a dozen, had a emergency appointment with doctor, he put me on mitazapine , but still have the treamberling in the mornings, have to sit downstairs in blanket on sofa, and go on my I pad, it's like every morning has not been the same I get coldness around stomach and I can feel panic building, I also need the loo as soon as I wake , plus many other times, are you on any medication at all,
rosemarie66 mrs_susan74280
No, I am not on any medication. I was given a beta blocker in the ER but just for that one episode. I Did have nights like you trembling and under the blanket on my sofa too. I understand the trembling is from a “dump” of hormones that happen in the am hours. Hang in there they get better. I still have most of my trembling in the mornings. Some are better than others. Just knowing what it is makes them easier to tolerate.
Hope that helps you.
Toddpodd rosemarie66