Cant sleep

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hello, everytime I am even remotely active I get stuck in this "wired" state where I even when I rest I dont feel any relief. Also I cant sleep properly, the more active I am the worse it gets. Right now Im active everyday without crashing, but I still wake up maybe 3 times a night and still have that wired feeling. Usually I then wake up really early and cant sleep so I start doinh something and then the fatigue comes and I have to sleep for 2 hours before starting a day.

I can go to bed at 11 and leave bed at 11 and still get maybe 8 hours of sleep at best.

does anyone have problem with sleeping or resting?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lob,

    I fall asleep very quickly at night, but I usually wake up multiple times. It's very rare that I sleep through the night or until my alarm goes off for work. Not sure if that is the EBV or what, but it's very frustrating. Makes me wonder if that is part of the reason I never feel refreshed.

  • Posted

    welcome to the world of cfs. i did the same thing you did. i got glandular fever and due to the demands of life i didn't rest properly. i am still not 100 percent. i still don't sleep well. maybe 4 hours a night.

    • Posted

      hello Brent, how much % would you say youre at right now? I sleep more, but it feels like very bad quality sleep

    • Posted

      i would say 75 percent. i had a lot of trauma in the beginning of this illness. i work 12 hour shifts also. i sleep about 4 hour per night. i always wake up at the same time no matter what time i go to sleep. i am better than what i was 2 years ago.

    • Posted

      75 is so good though! I would say I feel 70 maybe as well, but functionality I can do maybe 25% what I used to

    • Posted

      thank you for the encouragement. i hope that you see better days also.

    • Posted

      also what I noticed is that the virus somehow affects my autonomic nervous system and I cant relax, and then I cant sleep. But sometimes I am able to reverse it by consciously activating vagus nerve(resting branch of nervous system) through deep breathing. When you are restless next time, try focusing on the deep breathing for 10-15 minute. I alwayd do that as long as I can when I wake up at night, cause I dont really have anything better to do, I should be sleepihg:D. usually I switch back to resting mode and fall asleep after

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