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Hi and thanks for reading. Just need some guidance, I’ve been having issues recently. I’m 19 years old and try to be healthy. Average diet and such. I’ve always had a terrifying fear of cancer and have had numerous scares, from testicular to lung cancer but now it’s colon. I’m sure I have been exaggerating and such but I can’t help it. I’ve had runny, loose stools since Saturday and felt very nauseated after eating lunch on Saturday too. But that was the only time I felt like that. Since then I’ve felt fine but have had runny stools. I told my mom but she said that I’m fine and I told her Saturday that I think I have colon cancer bc of my symptoms. I’m more than positive that I had my first panic attack on Saturday bc of my scare. I went to the doc yesterday and they did a blood test and said everything was good. I told them I was afraid I had cancer, he told me that it was nonifectious gastroenteritis or colitis. I’m doing stool card where they check for blood in my stools as well. They said that my blood results came back good and nothing was abnormal. I was fine until up to today, I started have stomach cramps. He said gastro can last for a while. I’ve had no vomiting just the runs. Looking for an answer, should I go back to the doctor and tell them about my health anxiety? I just learned that carcinophobia/anxiety runs in my family. Thanks. BTW Dr. Google doesn’t help and so doesn’t WebMD.

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7 Replies

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    Hi corbin0375

    Your anxiety is more than likely causing your stomach cramps and diahorrea. If your bloodwork came back normal then there is no need to be anxious anymore. If the symptoms continue for a week or so go back to your doctor and request a referral for a colonoscopy, but because your bloodwork is normal i doubt very much he/she will refer you. Think back to saturday and what you ate for lunch this also could be the cause of your symptoms especially if you were ok before eating lunch ....

    • Posted

      Hi Mary! Thanks for the reply. I am planning on getting help today for my anxiety. I’ll keep in touch.

  • Posted

    You already told your doctor about your health anxiety when you said you were frightened of cancer, so your doctor knows this.  You don’t need to mention this again.  Simply, trust your doctor’s explanations and good test results. Wait for fecal occult blood test and try not to presume anything until,you get the results. 

    Anxiety can also cause gut disturbance like diarrhoea or stomach cramps.  I developed IBS and acid reflux because of my chronic anxiety.

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