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I'm pretty confidant that I have a panic disorder but because of it I have become obsessed with my heart. I'm currently taking Citalopram and Lorazepam- the first panic attacks where just a racing heart rate I would wake up and they where usually very intense. I have been to the ER twice and Urgent care twice - both times i was told I was fine. however the racing heart symptoms have subsided and now I experience hot flashes, chest pains, like tightness and pressure, Sometimes my heart feels painful as it is beating? I try not to focus on my heart so much but it seems to be impossible whenever I relax I can feel it beating which makes it hard to sleep. I am constantly looking up my symptoms and trying find out what is wrong making my anxiety worse. The feelings come on when I am driving too, my heart felt like it skipped a beat my stomach dropped and i became hot and light headed - I pulled over as quickly as I could and took a good half hour to pull myself together again.

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5 Replies

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    I am 20, 5'7 & 137 pounds - my blood pressure is considered normal 100/70 - if this means anything.

  • Posted

    Fear of heart issues is very common. If you are 20 and have been to ER twice and they said fine and your blood pressure is fine. All in all just accept that you are fine. The problem is anxiety and that is really what you need to address because if not, once you accept your heart is fine you will start with another fear. Believe me, I know 😦

    You are young, don't waste your life like a lot of us have done, get to the root of the fear.

    Good luck x

  • Posted

    first of all, you are OK! I have had anxiety and panic disorder for many years. It is very common for the heart to race. That in no way is harmful. I can’t tell you how many times that has happened to me. It does not hurt the heart in anyway. One thing that would help is if you stop focusing on it, Because the more you do the more you were going to have that happen as well as your other symptoms. When you focus on your heart, more adrenaline is released which will make it beat faster.

    what you should focus on is relaxation and calming down your mind. That would help a lot! Also one thing that slows the heart rate is proper breathing for anxiety. And you can find it on YouTube.

    googling symptoms is a complete waste of time and it will only increase the symptoms. Stay busy, stay active, focus your thoughts on other are safe. You are fine.

  • Posted

    im 30 as well and you just described my life. ive been dealing with cardiophobia for almost 3 years now. im now on anxiety meds and try to practice mindfulness, but its hard. good luck to you! just know youre not alone.

    • Posted

      yes i agree. what was said, completely describes my at the moment as a 30 year old woman. i appreciate reading about peoples journeys that are so completely like my own. Even when i dont feel like im anxious, i feel rhe symptoms, which causes me to think it could possibly not be anxiety, and then causes my heart to race, which causes me to panic. creating more symptoms. this is a vicious cycle. God bless everyone struggling and may His peace find you.

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