Cardiovascular Disease and Hotflashes seriously why woman have to go through all this
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Ladies now we are at a higher risk for developing heart disease if we have alot of hot flashes during menopause. Anyone out there that has gone through menopause and end up with increase cardiac disease. Please respond if you want.Why isn't there being more testing done on this. Or why hasn't there been testing done on this . I'm guessing because it's not effecting the male , honestly menopause has stripped me of my health that I once knew. Why has menopause not had more advanced testing done through the years when they know there is a correlation between menopause and heart disease. Please any Doctors on here have any insight on this please jump in. Menopause to me is a sickness that needs to be treated and needs alot more studies done on it. This is no way to live the later part of of lives.
Any input is greatly appreciated.
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Ella23ps dee34034
Estrogen protects your heart. Without hormones you die period. It is a fact all animals loose their hormones and then they die. It is what it is. Estrogen prevents osteoporosis, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. What do you think pesticides do they disrupt the hormones in insects and then the insects die. When you loose your hormones it disrupts all your glands and organs causing all kinds of diseases and aliments. Your heart has always been protected by your estrogen. Progesterone is calming and protects you against cancer and balances estrogen. Estrogen dominance is awful it causing cancer and all kinds of nasty things, but when progesterone and estrogen balance each other and work together your body is happy and all the glands and organs thrive. Your getting older and if you decide not to use HRT then your body ages and prepares to die. If your healthy then you can live longer, but you will still have things that pop up time to time where you have to take a pill or drug to fix it. If you are unhealthy then you might not make it too long once your hormones are gone. If you do you could really struggle and feel horrible off and on for years. Unfortunately growing old is not as glamorous as we've been led to think it was. Also growing old naturally does not exist in this man made chemical unnatural world any more. Too many chemicals have changed our DNA and now some of us need hormones just to live longer.
jude84900 dee34034
Hi dee,
The answer is already out there, its bio identical hormone replacement, Replenish your lost hormones and your body won't need to go through all these health problems. The information is out there, you just to to find it and study it. There are plenty of alternative doctors out there now that know what is going on. Seek out these docs for the answers your looking for. I'm almost 60, have been in menopause for almost 5 years. Got on bio identical creams initially and now on pellets. I got my life back. All that crazy stuff that menopause brings is gone. I will stay on them for life now. Best decision i could have made. Once my periods ended things got way worse. I think many women wait for their periods to end to get back to normal again but that just doesn't seem to be what happens. Good luck!
tamsin00119 dee34034
Hi Jude
May I ask what bioidenticals you are on and how has it helped you? Are there any risks attached to it? Could you share your story of what symptoms you had and which symptoms have now disappeared since using bioidenticals... would be so helpful to us. Do you think it is safer than HRT
jude84900 tamsin00119
Hi Tam,
Bio identical hormones is HRT but they are not synthetic which puts them much safer right out of the shoot. Getting on hormone therapy has ended my hot flushes, I sleep through the night, I'm not full of anxiety, my hair quit falling out, I have kept my intimate life alive, no dryness, headaches a thing of the past, more energy, more positive on my future as I age that its the quality of life I want to achieve. After all what good is life to be housebound, sick, doctoring continuously and feeling miserable everyday. I can't put the name of the book or doctor that founded bio identical hormones but it is a excellent book that will help you understand what is happening in your body and take the fear out of using them. Let me know if you would like me to send you the name of the book on private messenger.
tamsin00119 jude84900
Hi Jude
Thank you for replying... wow it has helped you a lot... I would appreciate it very much if you would send me the details re the book.. I am however wondering if this bioidenticals are available in South Africa? Heard of it the first time on this forum! Feel so ignorant... 😁😁😁
jude84900 tamsin00119
Hi Tam,
I think a lot of people don't know or understand Bio Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT). It seems confusing at first but its really quite simple. Not sure what is available to you in Africa but BHRT has been around a long time and in many places. I'm in the states but Europe has had bio hormones longer yet. I'll send that info in your private message.
tamsin00119 jude84900
Thanks a mil Jude... I am going to do some research on it and see if that is something I could use here in SA...
chinye28443 dee34034
i don't agree that without hormones one dies. A lot of women have gone through this and still came out good. just exercise regularly and eat right to keep your heart healthy. some women have cancer in their families so cant take hrt. God will Certainly see us through.
Ella23ps chinye28443
Trust me if your still living you have hormones in your body. LOL Nobody on the face of this earth can live without hormones. You might not agree with me, but that is the way the Lord made us so pray to him about that one because only He can change that. It is not men's creation, but the Lords and though Him all things are possible! However until He changes it our body needs hormones like a car needs gas. When one gland stops producing hormones then another gland has to be healthy enough to pick up the slack and start producing that hormone or you will die. If you lose your thyroid you have to take a thyroid hormone the rest of your life or you will die. If you are unhealthy and your glands are not working properly then they can not pick up the slack of you lowering hormones as well as someone with healthy glands. When you grown old it is because you are loosing your hormones. As we age our body begins to die you can not live forever. So loosing your hormones means your closer to dying. You can live a lot longer if your glands are all healthy and they can pick up the slack. I know some women that have lived to be 100 and they took no HRT ever but they were healthy and all their glands worked together in peace and harmony. It is hard in this world today and that is why there are so many women on here crying out with pain and suffering. When you loose your hormones your thyroid, adrenaline's etc. start trying to help you out. It seems to me people on this site have way too much adrenaline causing anxiety and they are crashing fast. Hyperthyroid and hypothyroid is from the thyroid crashing from working so hard trying to take up the slack from one loosing their hormones. If you go into peri menopause healthy I would not worry to much about it Live your Life Happy. It's the unhealthy women going into peri menopaues that seem to be having all the problems. Sometimes they don't even realize how unhealthy the were until peri menopause hits.
Ella23ps chinye28443
One more thing Cancer is Horrible and The Lord can get you through it I agree. There are herbs and other things that can help you replace your hormones. I feel BHRT does not cause cancer. You have to out weigh the risk. I personally think cancer is environmental. Being estrogen dominant can causes cancer. Balancing estrogen and progesterone does not cause cancer in my opinion. Why would the Lord put estrogen in your body from birth if it causes cancer? Look I am around several people that have and had cancer my best friend had stage 4 breast cancer 15 years ago and has been on deaths door for the past 2 years due to no hormones and she is post menopuase. Her quality of life is scary horrible!!!!!! and so now she is using a small amount of estrogen the doctors told her she had to use it she was dying. We keep praying to the Lord and now she is turning around a just a little, but her quality-of-life is still horrible!!!!!!! I will add you too my daily prayer list.
chinye28443 Ella23ps
i understand, i don't have cancer or thyroid though i had a parathyroid adenoma surgery and very fine. Thank you for your prayers too. our lives are in Gods hands and i trust him totally.
toria_07298 chinye28443
couldnt of put it better myself x
chinye28443 dee34034
please kindly send it to me too so that i can do my research. thank you.