carers allowance

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hi just phoned carers allowance and have been told i have been awarded it  but they say they have contacted esa to get the exact figures they owe me .

has anyone ever had this and how long does it generally  take  mainly because i want to chance my claim from ESA to income support

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I went through this a cpl months ago and from the stage your at it took around 3 weeks max slightly less . Hope that helps.
  • Posted

    Hi why are you changing from ESA to income support, can you do that
    • Posted

      Hi Alexandria, if someone claims Carers Allowance for looking after someone they can claim Income Support. This may not be the best idea though, especially is the person claiming ESA is in one of the groups.
    • Posted

      thank you for your replies im currently in the assessment phase of esa waiting for a medical  which i will be place in the wrag group as i am not fit for work at the moment but will be in the near future but now with my caring responsibilities which are more than double the 35 hours per week they say you need to be to claim carers i just think that income support will be the better option for me as i have just been through  a pip claim for my mother and an esa one which were both horrible  and dont feel i could go through that again so if i claim income supoort the rates that i will be paid are not much different but on income support i will not have the horrid medicals and  can concentrate on what matters caring for my mother and not fearing every brown envelope that comes through the door
    • Posted

      Hi John, i'm sorry but i have to tell you that just because you think and say you're unfit for work and you'll be placed in the WRAG most certainly doesn't mean they will place you in there. I've lost count of the people that have said that and been declared fit for work. What our opinions are on ourselves may not be what they think. I think that you're most probably making a good choice. The ESA assessment is a lot more brutal than the PIP one, in my oppinion.

    • Posted

      i have done a few pip and esa assessments and have always found the pip to be the worst not really had many issues with esa pip has always been the problematic one for me esa i have always got the result i felt i or my mother deserved that may be because i fill in the forms  with how my day to day life is truely affected and also sent plenty of medical evidence and a journal that also supports day to day life which im still completing every day just incase the dreaded medical letter reache my mail box

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