Cauda Equina Syndrome
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My name is Rose and I suffer from Cauda Equina Syndrome , I have been neglected by my hospital and delayed surgery and diagnoses led me to suffer this condition. I m in process of prosecution and like to find out a few things from other pations who suffer from this :
1) had anyone had back problems before suffering from Cauda and do they experience more back pain since they suffered cauda?
2) did anyone had to have a disc decompression? Or fusion - if so did the fusion make any difference to back pain?
3) has anyone got numbness and pain in a leg and saddle area , is the leg weak and needs support with a walking stick/crutch
4) how dose the condition effect you? Did you have any problems before Cauda Equina?
I m really greatfull for any other sufferers to come forward and share a few information please
I am open to any quetions from other sufferers , the more information I can get about living with this condition the better , many thanks in advance , Rose
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gingerbread roswitha
without a cane for 3 1/2 yrs after surgery lots of numbness is gone
Can move my leg a lettle more this is horrible song I want to walk again some day .
Artist46259 roswitha
Artist46259 roswitha
chrioli Artist46259
pauline43123 roswitha