Causes of PVCs/palpitations/VT?

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So I was diagnose with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia a couple of months ago based on the ECG attached. It originates from the left ventricle which is much more difficult to treat with ablation than the right ventricle, and comes with a higher chance of complications due to the much more complex anatomy of the left ventricle, so i'd like to avoid that.

Long story short: I'm focusing on prevention rathern than cure. I'd like to find the cause, and hear about other peoples anecdotes of what worsens their palpitations, as the medical profession as a whole seems to be at a loss what causes these.

Mine started after I'd been working out for 6 weeks. I blame the protein shakes + calorie filler shakes. They had no rubbish ingredients in them, but maybe the sheer amount of calories caused my VTs to start manifesting. A week after I quit, the PVCs lessened significantly and now I only get ~10 per day, down from ~100-200. But before this whole thing started, I got 0 (at least it felt that way). So I still feel like something is wrong, and some days are much worse than others.

P.S. I have attached an ECG which the diagnosis was based on, for those that are interested. This was the worst it got to a couple of months ago; it has not been this severe since.

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11 Replies

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    .... seriously? you can't edit these things? -_-

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    Did the DR say VTACH or NSVT ( non sustained vtach under 30 seconds. Yours looks like that. If you were having vtach they would be doing more tests to find the cause as this could turn into a serious arrhythmia NSVT is serious enough. I cant read those EEG things. Maybe someone else will. I don't think your diet would do it. But maybe it is too much protein or your electrolytes are off. I would definitely keep on the Docs about this. I had an NSVT attack. 7 months ago. I am still not happy with the answer I got. I got dizzy and almost fainted. I am afraid to drive and other things because of it. Dr. does not explain why it happened either. He just says my ekg is good and my echo is good and my stress test I had last year is good! I am not sure. Sorry I cant be of more help. But, my thoughts are with you ! Hope get an answer , if you do , let us know please! I am consumed some days with worry. Mine started with a couple of skips... then Boom! So scary, thought I was a goner. Take good care!.

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      To quote, the description on the form I was given says 'short runs of ventricular tachychardia, quite possibly originating from the left ventricular'

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    Do you have a cardiologist who is doing all your testing? What part of country are yiu from?   We are in New Jersey 
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      i'm in London, and yes I had a cardiologist look at me when I was admitted to hospital for the night, after that I have no idea who looked at the MRI and Holter monitor results neutral

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    Ashley, as to cause, who knows.  When I was in college I had some horrendous arrhythmias but never even took them to a doctor, hey I was young, I *assume* they were arrhythmias, and it took me ten years to track them back to one specific thing in diet that caused them.  And it was: curry!  Also Chinese chili sauce.  Finally found them because a local place ran a special every Thursday, and my symptoms began almost like clockwork on Saturday morning!  Eventually I figured out the association.  Never met a doctor who did more than shrug at this story.

    So fast-forward forty years and now I have some different arrhythmias and all I know for sure is they are NOT caused by curry, LOL!  Six different doctors, useless.  Holters, event monitors, EKGs, useless.  "Yeah everyone has PVCs" they all say with a shrug.  Maroons.  So, to the alternative side.  You will quickly find people mention such as CoQ10, magnesium, fish oil, and taurine.  Try them!  Taurine like 500mg two to three times a day, say one with each meal.  This was helping me, but recently seemed to add one more thing, which sounds crazy, and maybe it's just the higher-dose taurine needs a few weeks to work, or else, the new, magic ingredient was ….. dark chocolate!  About half an ounce of 85% Lindt in the same meal as the taurine.  I can't believe it.  But for the first time in eight years I feel almost human again. 

    Any doctor who gets a patient with these symptoms and does not IMMEDIATELY start mentioning these nutritional approaches, well, don't know what they think they're doing.  Too easy to try.  And just maybe they can help a lot of people as they seem to be helping me.

    Hope you post any results.  Good luck.

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      Well... hi everyone. I am new in this forum and i am having that PVC s for 8 years now. I've tried everything.....magnesium, fish oil, exercise, diet, e.t.c. I don't drink alcohol, i am not a smoker, and i am 34 years old. I don't really think that any of these remedies could work. Maybe for some people are working like placebo effect. I have visited the ER at least 6 times, changing 4 different cardiologists and 3 physicians, eco, ecgs, stress test, blood tests and beta-blockers. THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO CURE THIS CONDITION. One doctor prescribed me Xanax, but the only thing that i manage with them is to not get panicking when the PVC happened.  It seems to me that you have this condition and of course can get worse with anxiety, fear, heavy meals, lots of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol e.t.c. It is a very frightening felling, but the only thing that i can do is to hope for better days. Yes, some days are better than others.

      You can have this condition because you are taking blood pressure medication, but taking this medication is far important than having the PVCs. You can have it because you have mitral valve prolapse, but again there is nothing you can do about it, if its not pathological......Ablation can help but, you have to have the pvc the time of the operation and the heart is prone to develop pvcs from other sides in the future. They are getting worse during aging and you have to be patient with them and try to live your life as much as you can having these PVCs smile

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    Low potassium or low magnesium could have caused your palpitations.and some supplements can cause palpitations. To help stop palpitations try to stay away from dairy products, Gatorade,caffeine and try some mag- ox 400 mg hope this help good luck 
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    My anxiety makes mine worse. Also stomach issues. What did it feel like when you had the nsvt/vt? Did it feel like thumps or just really rapid? 
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    Hi Ashley, my Nsvt, felt like a thud then I got really dizzy and kind of whiter out. When I felt my pulse( too freaked out) it felt pretty normal. So that's all I know so far. Must people say it feels like an engine trying to start! Hope you don't get this! Not everyone has sent. Take care!

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