CBT for menopause symptoms

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I was trying to reply to a post on this. I had cbt for other reasons, and I found that it works when you know you ate starting ti get stressed etc, but the sudden mood swings of menopause just happen and you are trying to rescue things after the event. which is much harder. maybe it helped to semi accept the hot flushes and be less panicked by them at night, but it is still deeply unpleasant. I found that it destabilized me emotionally, as you ate questioning your thought and emotions all the time. however I saw a student at a charity, so maybe he wasn't very supportive/ had little understanding of midlife women (he was only about 30). You maybe have to do it with a women 40+?!

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6 Replies

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    Hiya Claire

    Think I'd agree with what you've said. I've used lots of different holistic therapies which worked to help with general anxiety, but when I used it to help with menopause it wasn't as effective. Like you said, the physical random symptoms and the adrenaline induced anxiety wasn't improved with it. Like you, I could understand the feelings that were coming, but couldn't change the terror I felt. CBT is really good for some people but I completely get that it might not be as good for this xxx

  • Posted

    Iv had 1 session out of 5 with a lady in her 60s no help at all she told me i needed to think of only myself and get plenty of rest ,iv been of work with horrid peri symptoms, palps ,hot flushes no sleep and anxiety through the roof and just gon back after 8 wks so she asked if i was able to give up work ( iam 47) not at all.... and when she asked about my anxiety i told her my dog used to help who i sadly had to put to sleep in november so she told me to replace my dog(REALLY) and did a lot of uming and awwwing and said she will see me again in 3 wks, my work occ health is paying for this £50 for 50 mins so i have to go but all i can say is ITS a total waist of my time and there money... All i want is to learn to deal with the symptoms that peri gives you and not to wake in the night thinking iam dying of a heart attack and get through the panic feeling that having low hormones cause so think again ladies before you waist your money... big hugs to all in this crap they call menopause xx

    • Posted

      Aww Claire, I completely get it. I was off for 5 months last year when I hit meno, I'm 43 so giving up work isn't going to happen! I'm not sure if you are taking anything for it, but I started bhrt and have just swapped to hrt. It made a massive difference. Don't get me wrong, some days the anxiety is awful, but it's a bit more manageable. It's far worse in work for me, meetings in particular I dread because I never know how I'm going to be. But I know I wouldnt be functioning at all if it wasn't for the hrt xx

    • Posted

      Hi sassy no iam not on anything iam to high risk for hrt but my gp did offered antidepressants but didnt fancy goig down that road but my anxiety is through the roof always thinking of the worse thing that could happen when iam feeling like crap thats why i thought i would try cbt and hopefully they could give me coping skills but it was just a waste of time so hopping it just all calms down soon but glad your feeling a little better xx

  • Posted

    That's a shame. I've started using Cbd too and hemp tea bags and both have been really good in managing the anxiety. I have acupuncture too but it is also very hit or miss. I was offered anti depressants but they weren't for me unfortunately, but lots of ladies seem to benefit. Hope you find something that helps xx

  • Posted

    This is interesting. It seems real world reality doesn't live up to what happens in research studies.

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