Center of chest itches severely and burning inside : (

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I notice that during or shortly after my menstrual cycles I get all kinds of weird symptoms.  One in particular is disturbing and makes me think I may have heart or severe esophageal issues.  Or perhaps food allergies or intolerance.  After breakfast this morning I felt sever itching in the center of my chest with burning inside and under my breast and upper stomach.  While the itching is severe my body starts feeling anxious and so not well.  Scared to eat hours later my body feels shaky almost like a sugar crash or something.  Left side heart area has some pain, so not sure if it is hormonal or real heart issues.  Some days I feel perfectly fine, but when my cycles come my body crashes.  Anyone feel these symptoms or have any idea what it could be.  I'm praying it's not a heart attack!


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    It sounds like it could be acid reflux or GERD. Either one can cause those symptoms. Take some Bromelain or a probiotic to help neutralize your stomach.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for the reply.  I have been taking famatodine.  But seems like it doesn’t work sometimes.  I was worried because this is the longest the itching and pain have lasted.   Feeling somewhat better this morning.  I know I need to make some changes in my diet.  That, too, has been challenging.  Gotta start somewhere.  Thank you, again.  Feeling hopeful! 
  • Posted

    I agree it also sounds like GERD. Sends a lot of people to the ER thinking they are having a heart attack. Watch how much ibuprofen you take. Also I found Prilosec and other drugs not helpful. I take Emergen-C with probiotic and it helps me a lot. 
    • Posted

      Yes may be.  After I ate this morning my chest and throat started burning and even my eyes were itching.  Sometimes my left arm starts burning and that’s what gets me concerned about my heart.  I never knew the severe itching was a symptom.  Thanks for the reply.  I’m going to try the Emergen-c with probiotic as the famantodine is no longer helping. 
  • Posted

    If your eyes were itching too I would consider trying an antihistamine like Benadryl just as an experiment to see if it helps
    • Posted

      Thank you!  I thought of that even for the itching in my chest.  Will try.
  • Posted

    Hi, yes you can try an antihistamine, like loradatine or cetirizine. Benadryl I would stay away from since recent studies show a link to dementia. Double whammy dementia with foggy brain is the last thing you need.
    • Posted

      Wow, I didn’t know that about Benadryl!  My brain is already to its capacity of fogginess.  I may try another antihistamine.  Thank you all for the much needed advice.


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