central blood pressure

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Hello everyone its been very quiet on this forum recently, this morning I have been reading that the most important bp reading is your central bp in your aorta and not your arm bp, has anyone else heard of this???

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    at hospital or they can do it from a 24 hour moniior  two drugs to lower it are AMLODIPINE AND PERINDOPIL   AND ALSO  BEETROOT JUICE   google central bp Derek it is interesting, and how is your bp these days? hope you  are not relying on sunshine though in short supply at the moment
    • Posted

      Amlodipine and Perindopril each caused side effects and beetroot juice YUK! 

      I have had three appointments and a lot of negative tests at the Hypertension Centre but no thoughts as to how to control my BP and next appointment not until July. Meanwhile my GP is referring me back to cardiology after a paroxysmal AF incident brought on by a rectal examination of my prostate again causing stimulation of my vagus nerve. A beta blocker put me back in rhythm in a few days but it brought my already low heart rate down into the 30's.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that Derek so when did all of this happen?  good news that the tests are all negative though, hope you get an answer very soon,
  • Posted

    No in fact how would you take it ?
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      at hospital,  it just popped up on a thread I was reading  but I think maybe we should forget about it as it wiill probably cause us all alot of worry and   anxiety
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      Actually just been reading about it and it claims that most times it's lower when taken via that method, so maybe they should get busy and find away to check it that way so some people could come off the meds and some want have to go on them
  • Posted

    How to check central BP and I havent heard this before. It might be a good information.


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