cervical mucus and high FSH
Posted , 4 users are following.
Still have monthly cervical mucus. Not a lot but some. Last month a lot. FSH testd this week. 86.37
How can this be????
1 like, 12 replies
Posted , 4 users are following.
Still have monthly cervical mucus. Not a lot but some. Last month a lot. FSH testd this week. 86.37
How can this be????
1 like, 12 replies
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chelo beth86610
Yes I experience the same, especially with lovely peri!!
elaine33371 beth86610
During early peri hormones fluctuate, so blood readings are not very reliable, drs are supposed to test bloods for menpause every 3 months, for a total of 9 months, totalling 3 blood tests in all for a more acurate reading, so out of those 3 tests, if you get 2 positive readings for the menopause then your on it, if you get 2 negatives then your not, your better just going on your symptoms, whats happening to you??
beth86610 elaine33371
elaine33371 beth86610
when my hormones were tested for the very first time, my specialists said, your hormones are on the floor, how do you feel, and i said fine, so, doesnt always follow your gonna feel bad even if the tests say your on it, could be, that some of my hormones were compensating for the others dropping and thats why i felt ok, i dont know. My gp actually said to me, you cant be on the menopause because your not 51 yet, i was 46, and she was a female gp, my advice to you on drs is, forget them, total arrogance and ignorance, your better going to a well women clinic if you have one and just discuss your symptoms with them instead.
During perimenopause, which is early menopause, it starts with, severe anxiety and depression, or, PMS, so if you suffered with pms before your cycle, then its worse during peri, you will get some symptoms one day, and others the next, you have to recognise your symptoms, and control them as best you can when you have identified them, most of the ladies on here have done it through life style changes, alternative therapies etc, drs will not be keen to give anyone HRT that is in peri menopause, because you wont really need them as this is the time when your hormones fluctuate so, much, so you are at risk then of taking in too many hormones, which, can be as bad as not having enough, but, there are exceptions to that rule, just depend on the tests done at the right time, and 3 months break inbetween further testing to be sure, and once drs have a test in their hand that says, your not on menopause, they normally wont budge, and tell you then its over anxiety, or its all in your head.
You can only really take control when your symptoms are coming regularly, and it becomes obvious to you that its the menopause, because if you are on the menopause then, any other tests you go for out of sheer worry of not knowing what is wrong with you, will be normal, because there is nothing wrong with any of your organs, its the way they are being made to work by the dropping, or, fluctuating hormones during perio menopause. Symptoms normally come, just before period is due, then when on your period, symptoms will ease, then after it stops, symptoms kick in again until they settle back down until the next cycyle starts again, peri can last for up to 8/10 years which was me, i have had no period for 1 year now, some drs say you have to have no period for 1/2 years before you can say your post, after this time, your symptoms go very mild, but can continue for up to 5 years after no periods, if they dont, and they seem as bad as ever, then thats when you may need HRT, if you feel HRT is for you.
To say your in menopause, you have to be having period changes, either, going longer, or, shorter before you come on, then when your on, they can last longer, or, shorter, in early peri it may become extremely heavy with clotting, and may last longer than normal, mine went from 4 days to 7/8, then when your periods start dropping off, thats when your going into menopause itself, there are 3 stages to it, peri which is stage one, menopause stage 2, and post stage 3, which is 1 year after no period. but every bodies body is different, and whats normal for one, may not be normal for another.
Other symptoms may be, night sweats which are hot flushes that you may get during the day, but night sweats felt through the night.
Wierd dreams
fatigue lethargy
sugar cravings
head pressure
severe anxiety, phobias, panic attacks
heart palps
increasing severe depression
slow dijestion
aches and pains,
off balance dizzy spells
These are just a few, and you dont get them all together, and they range from very mild, to extremely severe!! does this sound familiar to you? what have you been experiencing.
hopes this helps you.
beth86610 elaine33371
I have made an appt to go to an acupuncturist next week. Nurse praticioner declared me post menopausal. Gave me a script for progesterone. I have not taken it and I may not at all. When I picked it up I spoke with the pharmacist who told me about other clinics where they do more testing. I will get a saliva test either through a clinic or via online and test everything. I don't have debilitating symptoms. I hav been under extreme stress this past five years and I think it has somthing to do with that. Because stress can really mess with your hormones
elaine33371 beth86610
can i ask, is the saliva test, testing for your cortisol levels by any chance mainly Addisons Disease? or, is the saliva test another way of testing hormones, ive had a saliva test myself, but, it wasnt for menopause!
beth86610 elaine33371
elaine33371 beth86610
Acupunturists should be good, i use to see ahomeopathists and he was good, but medication didnt last long term, you may find the same with acupuncture, people on the forum hjave had good results with it though, Hope your neighbours realise what they are doing, and see sense. good luck with that.
beth86610 elaine33371
elaine33371 beth86610
beth86610 elaine33371