cervical spondylosis, osteoarthritis and reversal of cervical lordosis.... what does this all mean?

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I am 38 years old, female.

On the 25 may 2013 my car was hit from the rear. U had severe neck pain and the doctor prescribed some paracetamol and sent me home.

On Thursday 18 November 2013 I was hit on the rear end again by a taxi and spent 4days in hospital. The above was concluded but I was sent home with still pain.

Sadly just my luck, while stationery at the stop street on Thursday the 5th December 2013 another vehicle drove into me.

I however came home and slept as all I ever get in hospital is still pain and paracetamol. However since Friday I am in extreme neck pain, experiencing stiffness in both arms every morning and I'm really scared. I'm afraid and paranoid and now Google has so many different stories.

Can someone pls advise me?

Also I have an ulcer so most mediation like ibrufen aggregates it. I'm stressing can anyone with any knowledge help me.

I am a single mum so I'm so afraid that something is going to happen to me.

Pls respond


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you had any further help from the Hospital ????? I am in the middle of Phyio at the hospital for 3 Prolapsed Discs and in a lot of discomfort

  • Posted

    It sounds like you must be in a lot of pain, you have my sympathies. To answer your question "cervical spondylosis, osteoarthritis and reversal of cervical lordosis.... what does this all mean?"

    -Osteoarthritis - this refers to the normal 'wear and tear' type changes that occur to all of our necks as we age so depending on your age signs of osteoarthritis on an x-ray might not be anything major to worry about.

    -Cervical Spondylosis - This refers to the slippage/movement of joints in the cervical spine (neck) and often occurs as part of changes with osteoarthritis, so again this just describes changes often seen in necks as we age and is not necessarily a cause of pain.

    - reversal of cervical lordosis - Our necks are usually curved in a c-shape but in some people this shape might be more pronounced or less pronounced, all this means is that the curve in your neck is straighter than the average or curved the other way in areas. Again this just describes the shape of your neck.

  • Posted

    Thank you so much for taking this time and giving me your responses. I have been to doctors and all they say is take Panado .

    My condition has worsened and it's scary , the front of my throat is in extreme pain , all inflamed around as well as the back of my neck . The doctors say I will be fine . I have taken over 100 paracetamol .

    What is worst I work as a sales rep and have to drive the entire day so my neck is always in the straight position .

    I can't do anything I just give up to get hope n help sad

    Thank u for more clarity with wats going on with me

  • Posted

    you are entitled to 6 sessions of physio on the NHS, i had mine 6 months after a neck injury. I phoned a nurse on the NHS help line, who gave me her direct number. I was to phone her whilst sitting in front of the doctor, who had been fobbing me off for 6 months.
  • Posted

    Have you tried steroid injections? It's very helpful to reduce the imflamation . I have them 3 times a year they give you in sets of  3 with at least a 2 week break between each injection.  I'm lucky I found a doctor which will do them under my copayment which is 50.00 and that includes my being put into Layla land so I don't feel it. It's not put to sleep but I don't recall anything . Each injection takes like a 1 hour visit if that long. It does help a lot. But if you don't have a doc that can do them in his office it cost$$$  I'm not sure it's worth 1500.00 a pop . 

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