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Hello ladies...sorry it's been awhile since I have posted! feeling a bit of "empty nest'' which by the way I am not sure why but I hate the sound of! My middle son just left for college in NH which is about 2 1/2 hours away ...I know not that far but still miss him!! My oldest will go back to college soon also (40 minutes away) leaving our youngest (16yr) at home with feels sooooo weird! By all means I am estastic that my boys are off doing great things but I can't explain the was real bad at first a bit panicky and you feel like you just want to cry for days...The past few days have been better. My question is......any mom's out there that have had similiar feelings and does it get easier..a little?
thanks so much for your time!!!!
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louise79331 lisa65434
lisa65434 louise79331
jayneejay lisa65434
Yes i felt that for at least 5 minutes 😃😃😃
No seriously i have two off spring, one is in London , i am in Spain, other one not too far, mine are older now, but as a mum of course you feel lost for a while, at least you still have one at home, they grow and you grow use to it .. Never stops you being concerned, thats all normal
Jay xx
lisa65434 jayneejay
AVR1962 lisa65434
I cried and cried and cried when each of the kids left. I was happy for them so I didn't want them to see my sadness. My life for many many years (oldest is 33) was my kids, my home, family, husband. This past year I realized I had to do more for me and I was kind of lost at first but I have managed to find a life for myself.
I also find it interesting that my husband doesn't have the same feelings, not even for his bio sons. I have even asked and he tells me that he enjoyed them but he is glad they are on their own. I have not really understood that.
HotDot7 AVR1962
jayneejay HotDot7
is that your little doggy on the pic .. 😃
hey... get golfing aswell i play its great fun..
havent played for ages as felt i wouldnt manage and wow surprised myself and played for 3 hours ..
Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
I would golf but my balance is no good as I would be spending my days in the sand traps building sand castles.
I love to watch men's golf on TV.
Practice makes perfect as they say. Good excercise and lots of vitamin D.
jayneejay HotDot7
thats funny.. 😀 sand castles...
my son and I have a new friend hes canadian he moved here a few months ago, he so nice ... and he plays golf, hes such a tonic and has humour like you and it suits us because we have same good humour, I saw him last weekend and he did make me laugh.....
so easy going and friendly
HotDot7 lisa65434