change of blood thinner
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Hi Everyone,
I have been given the go ahead to change from warfarin that has been giving me so much grief. cardilogist has said the ultimate decision will be up to my GP which one I go on, but his Arrhythnia nurse who rang me recommends Rivaroxabin (xarelto) anyone got any thoughts on this, I was told they now have an antidote for Dabigatran (pradaxia) and I think there is another one Apixaban (eliquis) I would really appreciate your feed back.
Thank you
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cardiac_congo linda51222
linda51222 cardiac_congo
I am preapared and ready to have a bit of grief as I change over but I have had to go for INR every week since I started warfarin as they can't get it stable and the nurse told me today because they can't get it to go up to 2.5 it is always around 1.78 it is not doing its job.
I never thought in my whole life I would be so chuffed at the thought of changing meds (how sad is that) but I have autoimmune disease and am intolerant of so many things and because of the warfarin have been unable to keep my immune system stable because of the restrictions that come with the warfarin.
Thank you
cardiac_congo linda51222
linda51222 cardiac_congo
Thanks again
june64137 linda51222
linda51222 june64137
I will bear that in mind when I talk to my GP, like you I like to research things so I am fully informed about my choices.
What a great bunch of people you all are, just a pity the thing that has brought us all together is blooming AFib !!!!!!!!!!!!
leroy07403 linda51222
simon56380 linda51222
went on Warfarin for several weeks prior to my ablation & am very happy to be back on Apixaban. There's no antidote available for Apixaban that I'm aware of. But I do have a sister-in-law who has a PHD in pharmacology, who tells me that there is considerable effort being made by the drug companies to develop antidtotes to these 'new age' blood thinners. There may well already be antidotes available for some, but as previously stated, not aware of one for Apixaban yet (but still prefer it to Warfarin anyway).
linda51222 simon56380
Because of the restriction on other things with warfarin i am unable to keep my immune syatem under control so I have the AFib symtoms and my immune system out of balance, so I am happy to go on analternative and take my chances, at least then hopefully I will only feel half as bad!!!!!!!! I heard from our coag nurse that they have found antidote for Dabigatran.
Thanks for your info
betty47298 linda51222
Okapis linda51222
I would go ahead, my life was transformed! by being put on Dabigatran. Brillant! , o
On warfarin I felt as if I part of a yoyo made of elastic back and forward erratrically to the GP's surgery. At least the Surgery had an "INR Machine".
I was working at the time and getting appointments to suit was a complete and utter nightmare. 30/45 minutes there and back Grrh!
At the time there was no antidote but the washout period is I believe only 24 hours, which reassured me to a point
linda51222 Okapis
At the moment I am thoroughly confused cardiologist has said yes I can be given one of the alternatives to Warfarin, but he didn't write to GP his Arrhythmia nurse did, but didn't say which one or the dosage, my GP said he has to have written consent from cardiologist not a nurse and although he can prescribe he needs the dosage from them. so I wait again. but I wont give up I have not been right since I went on warfarin, it used to be about the cost but the nurse told me they are using th NOAC's more and more which has subsequently lowered the cost, and because they cant get my INR right I am back and forth to hospital every week sinec August last year and that costs more.
let you all know when I am successful. thanks for your help.
Okapis linda51222
I've just moved into another HA area and had some of the drugs already prescribed for me challenged, not by the GP but from whoever controls GP prescribing habits in the HA. I had to give details of when, where and who prescribed a couple of the drugs. Answer a London Teaching Hospital with significant expertise in the appropriate area...all quiet after that..
Regional Lottery Healthcare! huh!!
linda51222 Okapis
Well I wont be letting go watch this space.