Cherry angiomas ????
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Terry0123 emma31623
Hi Emma,
I was just about to post something very similar and with you not having any response in 5 days isn't very reassuring.
While I can't explain why it happens (nor does it seem like anyone truly can), I have also noticed an increase in them, most of which are red marks as seen in your pictures, but nothing in that quantity or close proximity. I was diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis in July and only really noticed the increase in the past 3-4 weeks.
Have you been ill with anything recently? Do you have any other symptoms (most people do not)?
I have an appointment (a follow up to my mono) tomorrow and I was going to bring this up to see what they say. I can let you know if anything comes out of it.
Lj1028 Terry0123
did you find out what they we're?
kim12266 emma31623
they are not cherry angiomas they are a pateicae rash by the looks of it blood thats come to the surface
friction from tight clothing etc can cause them or rubbin the skin hard
Lj1028 emma31623
I'm covered in these! does anyone know what they are? I have some big ones but I'm covered in the pin prick sized ones. the bigger ones I've had for years but the pin prick ones just keep coming up I'm getting sick of them because once they are there they don't go away!
maddy51331 Lj1028
i have the same thing! did you ever figure out what they were?
emma28620 Lj1028
i know it's a post from 2 years ago but did you ever find out what these were? i'm also covered, could be thousands of them. they developed over years but recent pregnancy might have caused a quick spread of them? i'll go to the gp tomorrow as I'm really worried. please let me know how you are doing
Lmf111784 emma31623
berom emma31623
according to my doctor is a typical symptom of neurofibromatosis. flat, straight, tiny, bright or dark red, with sharp borders, and never disappear.
steph1169 emma31623
Emma316, please tell me that you have found something out! I am so scared! They are now showing up on my face and my 11 year old daughter is getting them!
joshuapryce1987 emma31623
I think you should love yourself more, and know that these issues are not a problem. They are not so easy to notice, even going close up with the camera. They should go away by themselves, its completely natural for women to have this issue.
raynerdan18440 emma31623
Hello Emma
i just wanted to ask if you got rid of the spots ?
1 year back ive got the same spots all over my body.
i cut all suger,drink only water. started with vitamines .
Egg,avokado,broccoli is some of the better foods i started to eat more.
yes I changed my diet completly.
Try this and you will see imporovment after 3 months.
Best regards