Posted , 5 users are following.
Hi ladies hope all is well i hav been experiencing a muscle pull type of feeling to my chest along with acid an d heavy dry tongue..can anyone relate thanks
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Posted , 5 users are following.
Hi ladies hope all is well i hav been experiencing a muscle pull type of feeling to my chest along with acid an d heavy dry tongue..can anyone relate thanks
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valarie24431 wendy36287
jane5216 wendy36287
I get the muscle pull feeling in my chest and for a while I had bad acid and indigestion on and off. The acid doesn't happen any more - and I never had it before perimenopause. Heavy dry tongue only happens after too much wine!!
wendy36287 jane5216
maria101 wendy36287
jane5216 wendy36287
Way I look at it is that if I put it down to a glass of wine I don't worry about it being anything more sinister. So bottoms up! ;o)
wendy36287 jane5216
misty36246 wendy36287
I get the worst chest pain and reflux
As well as breast pain it's terrible. I can only hope that being on HRT will 3rd week into and stick have problems so frustrating
maria101 wendy36287
wendy36287 maria101