Chest pain 4 years.
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Hello all, my name is Luke and after 4 years of no success i thought i might expand further then my local town. around 4 years ago i had my 1st chest pain experience and left work for the doctors immediately, they then called the ambulance i had gone from the GP to hospital. They proceeded with the normal chest scans and x rays along with blood scans and heart stress test,. everything is good. About a month into my chest pains it was accompanied with heart burn or indigestion. I'm not really sure how to distinguish between the two. So they tried to drown me with anxiety pills that i declined, anti inflammatories, indigestion junk along with chiropractic and some other nonse. 4 years later and i feel like I'm always about to drop dead from a heart attack. The chest pain is daily, sternum area left side. the heart burn/indigestion is normally twice a week and lasts a full 48 hours with no relief. I'm 29 happily married with 2 kids. I'm over sitting here thinking topping myself would ease the pain. and no I'm not depressed nor do i suffer anxiety, they tried to test me for both. besides this 1 absolute life ruining condition I'm full of joy. has anyone here heard of a similar issue? thanks in advance. any recommendations I'll be 100% looking into.
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Marina_Dee BoppersGames
Sounds as though all your problems are probably gut/stomach/digestive based. Do you eat a lot of junk food? Food high in fat? Perhaps look at your diet first and cut out anything high in fat. Eat plenty of Fruit and veg. If you are a couch potato or overweight then try to get into an exercise regime and lose weight...both of these will help with digestive probs. If you drink beer then try going without and see if that helps.
Arm yourself with Gaviscon for digestive upsets and Peppermint oil capsules help if your probs are due to trapped gas.
As you've been suffering for 4 years, its probably time to go back to your doctor and ask to see a gastroenterologist. have you been tested for a stomach ulcer? They can be caused by a bacteria Helicobacter Pylorii. I think you need further tests.
BoppersGames Marina_Dee
Thankyou for the reply. my diet is most certainly not healthy but nor is it filled with junk food. it's just not stable. besides food i smoke cigarettes and drink iced coffee every day which can't be good. Can a stomach problem really cause chest issues? i have no idea about health stuff and i try to avoid google because when i type my symptoms it always comes up with heart attack lol. starting tomorrow I'll stop iced coffees and smokes and book the doctors for gastroenteritis. i do find eating very hard. every meal i consume feels like it's blocked in my throat and makes me feep like i need to burp. and burping, i do alot of that now days.
Marina_Dee BoppersGames
yes, stomach problems really can cause chest pain....trapped gas is often the culprit ...thats why I suggested peppermint oil capsules. You seem a bit young for gallstones and you have had a chest scan and x rays which should pick them up.
Well done for giving up the cigarettes.
Are you a bit of a slouch with bad posture? If you think thats you, try to make a habit of standing tall with shoulders back. Do you have a slouchy slumped back when sitting? try to sit straight....all helps.
Good can be very wearing trying to find the answers, and the cures.
compiler Marina_Dee
Does the chest pain when you lie down?
BoppersGames Marina_Dee
Correct i do slouch. i work 2 jobs. metal fabricator 2 days a week and programmer 4 days a week. so i spent most my time slouching. the chiropractic said my posture was bad. do you have a specific brand of the oils you speak of? and can i try over the counter before i go seeking stronger stuff from a doctor. Just odd that these things can last since beginning of 2018. appreciate the reply again.
BoppersGames compiler
I'm not sure if that was a follow question for Marina or for myself. But i find when I'm still (laying, sitting) is when i feel pain linger the most. i could start doing push ups or go for a run and thats when the pain lessens.
compiler BoppersGames
Did your doctor ever talk about an endoscopy test?
BoppersGames compiler
nope, I'll surely looking into stomach issues tho
Marina_Dee BoppersGames
No, any brand of Peppermint oil should help.
Findinginfo BoppersGames
Hello I used to have the worst chest pain which burned as well and sometimes spread across my chest breast area. It hurt so much sometimes I could not take deep breaths and finally was diagnosed with costochondritis. I was able to manage it with anti-inflammatory medication and luckily rarely have it. I just thought I would mention it in case you may be having this. It is extremely painful and can also seem disturbing because of heart attack fears.
compiler Findinginfo
Have you ever been injured in your chest area or repeated physical strain in that area? If no infection, the anti-inflammatory drug, heating pad and local injections will be the treatment options.