Chest Pain
Posted , 12 users are following.
Hi ladies
Do any of you have pain in the middle of your chest and feel dizzy constantly
j x
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Posted , 12 users are following.
Hi ladies
Do any of you have pain in the middle of your chest and feel dizzy constantly
j x
0 likes, 14 replies
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christine66659 jilld27
oh yes comes and goes frightens the life out of me..its like my chest tightens then i get anxious then dizzy almost feel like i will have panic attack..not nice at all.cant even wear bras anymore feels like im being squeezed..happened to me just couple of hrs ago ..😢
Takingtime jilld27
Yes! I had it really bad a couple years ago that took me to ER a few times. I had heart palps on and off too which I still get. I had all heart tests done and all were normal. They thought it could be GERD....or something digestive. I find its worse second half of cycle but chest pain feel if it happens is right before my period starts. its a scary feeling as you never know.I too can not wear a bra because of the squeezing feel. I get nerve pain as well even down my arms. I am not sure if we are just becoming more sensitive to our physical symptoms or we are just becoming more sensitive but some of these symptoms make you sit and wonder if we should be ignoring them or have constant visits to the doctor.
christine66659 Takingtime
totally agree to ignore or not to ignore..spent most of last summer in a and e...which made my health anxiety worse...i to get pain down my arms across my back etc ..was put down to stress and anxiety although i do believe we are more sensitive to this change
im ten years post menopause at 52..have had more symptoms in last couple of years than ever before..didnt have any
It's so scary you just think its your heart and having heart attack, I start and Google when I have pains which isn't good for the anxiety, I've got an hiatus hernia so I so dont know if it's that. I have back and neck pain too. I'm 55 and post menopausal, how long can you be in post menopausal for ? x
christine66659 jilld27
reallistically..its for life...met so many women who still have symtoms yrs later that come and go plus aging you dont know whats what anymore..
i get back and neck pain only 52 and periods stopped at 42 feels like im going through it now...didnt suffer at all..didnt even know till went to drs cos hadnt had period for a yr
Beverlys1 jilld27
I always get dizzy Jill but do be careful and get checked if it doesn't go away,, Ive had all 66symptoms and had my heart cked because I was having a dance off with my friends then could not breath and could not catch my breath,, meno and peri changes our bodies so much this stuff is truly scarry Ialso had to start on blood preasure medication... xxxx hugs to all of us
Hi I've already had my heart checked and it's fine apparently, I'm on blood pressure tablets now though as menopause ca cause that.. Oh the Joy's of being a woman 😥
Bindisid jilld27
yes I too get get chest pain kind of squeezing tightness. from last year I have been getting this during my mid cycle. my bp also goes high but still without medication
Wouldn't it be nice just to feel normal again if only for a few days 😥
pinkcatfairy jilld27
The chest pain could be digestive issues, I have a hiatas hernia and had gastitis, the pain can be quite intense, if all the acid we get in menopause leaks through the splinter muscle it can cause inflammation and of course pain. An endoscopy would be a good idea if continues, it will see what is going on and then the appropriate medication can be given (ppi's).
Hi I am already taking lansapraozole for the acid , ir seems to have eased this morning , I may also have to start and watch what I eat
Keljo48 jilld27
I I started getting left breast pain and my body hasn't been right since. I have chest pain on my upper right side that sent me to the ER last Monday it was so horrible. They ran bloodwork, EKG, xrays and a CT scan because the EKG readings were less than stellar and to check for blood clots. I didn't have a blood clot (thank god). But that pain has moved around my body. Center chest and now left chest where it hurts to breath in. I was "diagnosed" at the ER with Costochondritis. Because what was left? lolI am 51 and post meno pause for about 2 years. I had terrible peri symptoms especially the last few years before my periods stopped. Now my symptoms are amplified when I have them. Last year it seemed like my pelvic and vaginal area was the nightmare. This year it appears that it is breast, chest and digestion. The chest pain is among the worst. I don't have dizziness but I worry that it could be a heart attack or heart related. At night it feels as though my heart is beating light a few beats then stronger a few beats. But still beating even if that makes any sense. When I wake up I am on the verge of anxiety. The chest pains makes every day so much worse than it needs to be. Also experiencing calf aches too now and again. I think it wouldn't surprise me at this point if body parts started falling off. 😐