Chest Pain
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Does anyone experience a low level burning chest pain? I went to Dr. about this a year ago and got all the heart tests done so I am pretty sure it is not anything related to heart disease. I notice this on and off- sometimes when just sitting but more times when moving- e.g. reaching back to check behind car when backing out of parking spot. It is mainly just annoying but there and just wondering if it is another perimenopause symptom.
Thanks for any advice...
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pamela2016 Carolyn09280
yes i get that and pains off and on my heart was checked two years ago i think its my chest muscles certain way i move makes it worse.
Gypsy014 Carolyn09280
Yes I do get this every month it cycles itself, and I have it today, woke up with it.. I write down my daily log of symptoms everyday and just got done writing burning chest.. Nothing wrong with my heart been checked when I had bad palpatations a fee months ago.. Not sure if its menopause but rather digestion issues which happen because of meno so I believe it all feeds off each other from lack of hormones.. That are needed to run every bit of our body functions..
Gypsy014 Carolyn09280
Yes I do get this every month it cycles itself, and I have it today, woke up with it.. I write down my daily log of symptoms everyday and just got done writing burning chest.. Nothing wrong with my heart been checked when I had bad palpatations a fee months ago.. Not sure if its menopause but rather digestion issues which happen because of meno so I believe it all feeds off each other from lack of hormones.. That are needed to run every bit of our body functions..
sharcerv52408 Carolyn09280
Yes I get this too. I have been going through this for a few days now. It comes and goes. I spoke to my GP about these flickering sensations that I get (in my chest) and after an EKG which came back normal, she said it sounded more like it was stomach related. I usually get these chest sensations if I'm hungry or after I've eaten something that might trigger heartburn. The sensations can cause chest pain.
cyndi38349 Carolyn09280
I also get this. I had full cardiac work up and an endoscopy with a GI Dr. Everything was normal. I did get diagnosed with costochondritis and I do have IBS . What is causing the chronic costochondritis the Dr hasn't figured it out yet. All my tests always come back normal. The IBS I got after I had my gallbladder removed. I'm supposed to see a rheumatologist for possible fibromyalgia due to other symptoms but I haven't gone yet. I'm guessing perimenopause is causing it since it's worse right before and after my period.
sharcerv52408 cyndi38349
Menopause off sets so many things in our bodies.
sunaina1983 sharcerv52408
Hormones effect our body fully ðŸ˜
HopefulTrina Carolyn09280
Hi there... Yes I've been experiencing some burning in my chest. I contributed it to gerd/acid reflux.. I guess I'll start looking for a pattern to see if it happens during my period..
Thanks for this post, it was very helpful
sunaina1983 Carolyn09280
Yes too experience this during my start of cycle ðŸ˜
ur not alone dear
i think its because of hormones imbalance in peri.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I have a physical end of month and will ask Dr. again but she seems to brush off anything that has to do with perimenopause. But I know there are so many symptoms out there and many of us are experiencing the same thing.