Chest pain, tightness and feeling sort of breath
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hi guys looking for some advice/support and to be reassured i guess. im 30 and had anxiety from the age of 16. recently i have developed panic attacks leading to panic disorder and im sure i have health anxiety through all of these symptoms. ive had a weird short t of breath feeling for weeks now, i started on fenlafaxine a couple of days ago and feel my mood is better already but this chest pain and shortness of breath feeling is causing my anxiety to go through the roof. all my sats are fine 02 98% BP 128/82 and HR totally fine so it doesnt seem medical, i have never experienced this before this bad. has anyone else experienced these symptoms to this extent? GP & Hospital say its all the anxiety but im constantly worried its more esp with these vaccines , ive had two doses of the pfizer
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joaquin00537 cheryl83358
Hi, I have also been experiencing shortness of breath for the past weeks and have also been told its anxiety. I have been having panic attacks that have made me feel like i couldnt breathe or like if i was having a heart attack. Everytime i went to the hospital which was like 10 times this past month they have told me that its anxiety since they did blood tests and ekg and also chest xray and didnt find anything and i looked healthy.
cheryl83358 joaquin00537
hi , this is the exact same as me. ive been to the hospital also and been told the same 3 time, bloods EKG chest xrays and all normal. its driving me nuts, also the pain i get in my chest is so bad feels like its all bruised under my skin and aches, do you get chest pain too?
joaquin00537 cheryl83358
Yea, I get all the same symptoms and it feels like my ribs are bruised to especially when im laying down. I tell my doctors all this but they said that everything looked fine and there was nothing to worry about. Right now I am also experiencing aches all over my body which is like my wrists and my chest and neck.
dip58448 cheryl83358
I have this exact same thing! For few months now, actually since the moderna vaccine. Few days after my first dose, I got my first panic attack for no reason. Since then, I have breathing problems almost all day. Sometimes I feel breathless just sitting. Other times I feel a tight band around my chest, not allowing it to expand as much as I want. Other times I feel like although I'm breathing in and out, it's not satisfying and not working as it should. My ribs and diaphragm muscles feel sore from breathing too much. I can't stop monitoring my breathing 24/7. I have general anxiety, but never experienced anything like this before. Just like you, my spo2 is 97-99%, and HR is normal. I know I'm healthy, but I just can't stop focusing on my breathing, unless I am really busy doing something (and that's the only time the symptoms go away). I have tried everything from therapy, meditation, yoga, journaling, but nothing helps significantly. I can't take any meds, because I'm trying to get pregnant. The good news is, although it is very uncomfortable, at least we know nothing is physically wrong with us. I try to focus on that, and keep doing what I'm doing. Although sometimes I breakdown crying from frustration. But I know it will pass. I can't wait to be healthy again, like I used to be just a few months ago. We just need to break out of that loop of focusing on the breathing. How are you meds helping? Have you had this before, or first time? Sending you all the positive vibes to feel better soon!!