Chest wall

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Hi ladies is there anyone having issues with chest wall pain? I hav been having it 3 days nw hav been to the dr did test an ecg everyting is normal . Hwever i hav dizziness stuffiness tingles in arms an tiredness . Waiting to do a stress test an relief.

If anyone can understand plz share an explain your experience . Its driving me crazy😭😭😭😭😭

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9 Replies

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    Hi Wendy,  Do you by chance have GERD?  I was in/out of the hospital last year for chest pains, pressure, palps, shoulder pain.   My dad died at 42 of heart attack, so dr wanted to check everything.  All clear!  My issues ended up being stress, anxiety and GERD.  Do you ever feel like you have a baseball moving in your mid section up to your heart and chest pressure?  Definitely get it all checked out!
    • Posted

      Am doing bloods as well its been checked multiple times am so tired an ready to giv up . I do hav gerd an trying to balance it . Everyting chks out perfectly but d pain is ridiculous
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      I know, I’m sick of it all too!  I do not even complain to my primary dr anymore, all they do is take blood everytime to shut me up..done being a pin cushion.  My chest pains have gotten better since controlling the acid and starting an AD.  There is a good video about GERD and chest pain...cardiologist from York, last name Gupta...see if you can find it...he really explains it well.  😉

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    Yes all of that everyday off and on and my heart has been checked it's scary and hard to deal with

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    I have had it for ten years off and on. I noticed it first after wearing a back pack on field trip for my oldest.  I went to have severe disk vertebra issues. I’m in therapy now for the second time and it is really helping. I’ve had one surgeon say yes I needed surgery and one said I would never need it.  It felt like I was being pulled apart in my chest at times. The muscles across my shoulders and up my neck are always sore.  Dry needling has helped knotted muscles to get the blood flowing more completely. It’s a slow road back but there is hope. I feel so much better.  I have seen chiropractors, surgeons  and pain specialists and therapist therapist have helped me the most. They are not all created equal as some are more skilled and or trained than others.  I pray you find answers. 
  • Posted

    Yes Wendy Ive been experiencing this on and off.. I do have gerd also. But gerd has never bother me because my diet is pretty healthy. But all of this came on during perimenopause, gerd and chest discomfort. Ive read that women tends to get what is called Costochondritis during peri and menopause. I think i may be experiencing this than the gerd.
  • Posted

    hi wendy, yes I have this and my dr said that its do to allergies and sinusitis. I just finished a round of antibiotics for an infection in my right lung because of the drainage from my sinuses. it is very unnerving when you chest hurts for no apparent reason. it does go away with antibiotics. did you have a chest xray done? that is how I found out what was causing mine. good luck to you!!
  • Posted

    Hi wendy.....please try not to worry as ive had the same with trip to er to find nothing wrong...

    These symtoms are simular to many women amd what i and many others will pass in time....its very scary as all nee but i too had the tingly arm, chest pain and breathlessness to say the least. You are not alone as there are millions of orhers...keep checking in here....CK

  • Posted

    Yes Wendy, I have all of these too. I’ve had a complete cardiac physical and all is well. I think mine is a combination of reflux and costchondritis. Costo is easy for me to identify because it can be reproduced by pressing on the area externally. My episodes usually pass in a few days.  I went to the ER twice a few years ago because it is very scary. Good luck! 

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