Chesterfield Royal paper fairy

Posted , 8 users are following.

hi. 2 lovely ladies on this forum were worried about me so ended calling a@eI ended up in the corridor for 5 hours no food or water. Eventually I ripped the the thing out of my wrist and just ran out of hospital. I nice day, then my ceiling has leaked water everywhere. The neighbour tried to fix it and ruined it. I now have to go next door if I need the loo. My Turkish rug £2000 is ruined.

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    So my friend, bridesmaid, brothers girlfriend ( my brother died).. She sent me back to hospital again. They have my iPhone, antidepressants, vit b , thiamine and 20x 10 mgs Diazapam and 80 X 2 mgs of diazepam. They also have my iPhone 
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      Er - If I were you I would get them back asap.

       I have been discharged from hospital without shoes, jackets - which were removed when they put me is a hospital gown,  and when I went back to see if they had them still they looked all bemused, had a quick look around and said they didnt. 

      I'm wondering whether it was partly to try to put me off wasting their time again as yet another collapsed drunk?

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    Goodness, I read that too quickly and thought you had bled all over your rug!

    I hope youre OK?


  • Posted

    I'm very sad that I try and help people on the site. Thank you Ursula ❤️ It's time to go now. Goodbye and hope you all survive. God bless all off xx


    • Posted

      Look you need to stay, but you also need to get youre things back. Ive lost so many things when drunk, and been robbed, scammed. Its so horrible trying to put everything in place afterwards, but once you have and have control again, you can carry on.
    • Posted

      Paper fairy you need to stay on here. Pleeeeese. Can someone get your things for you asap. Please don't give up. We all care. You've got my number so call if you need to. Xx
  • Posted

    What! You were in the hospital recently?

    WT* is going on....I hope you are back in and get help....paper you are worth it...and don't let it win....and don't let it take you from this website or this earth!

  • Posted

    Middle of the night and can't sleep as the paramedics took all my sleeping tablets, even the non prescription ones. WTH 😡
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      After waiting for several hours, in the corridor, had enough. Pulled the cannula out and did a runner x
    • Posted

      Ok understand you've got no meds then? Is there anyone who can get your things from the hospital? Or at least contact them to ensure they're safe, as you've left your iPhone haven't you.

      wont ask how you're feeling, goes without saying! Do you have someone with you?

      take care xx

  • Posted

    Because I've no diazepam I'm starting with withdrawals. So will have to taper. Does anyone no if you can buy alcohol at 8 in the morning please ? X
    • Posted

      Yes! Tesco metro, some garages and sainsburys locals. Think at 8am most shops selling alcohol which are open will serve you
    • Posted

      Could you go back to the hospital to collect your Diazepam, to ease the withdrawal symptoms ?
    • Posted

      Angel, I've phoned Royal hospital, Chesterfield and they can't find them. So  I'm now after friends gave me some to detox,I'm back to none again. So depressed now as I've had to drink again xx

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