Child with Anal Fissure
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I'm 13 years old and started seeing symptoms of ann anal fissure such as bleeding, constipation, and difficulty defacating. Although I haven't had a physical test, my doctor said I should eat a more high fiber diet but nothing more. I have a low pain tolerance so I cry every time I feel what I believe is a spasm. School starts soon and I just wanted to know if there are any ways to recover quickly or lessen the pain since I'm unable to function with it.
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penguin59394 jeondxy
Hi, there, sorry to hear about your situation. I just managed to keep my fissure at bay so I do a thing or two about healing a fissure. It sounds like you need to immediately change diet and avoid constipation at all cost. The easiest and most effective diet change is to go for all veggie diet, avoid grains/wheat and drink at least 8 glasses of water. Remember this is short term until you completely heal. There are many good advices on this forum. Be patient. Many people's fissure does heal on their own. Yours should too. Good luck.
jane47249 jeondxy
Buy some fybogel from a chemist and have a sachet each night before bed. You mix it with a glass of water. It tastes like orange and is easy to digest. It will make your stools smooth and soft in the morning. After passing a stool have a shower to clean your anus just with warm water do not use paper.
Good luck
mmarcus151910 jeondxy
Here are some suggestions I have for you to help you through:
1. Try somee zinc oxide in the form of calmoseptine which has menthol to soothe the area down there as well. Calmoseptine can be bought at almost any local drugstore and can be bought online too.
2. Try squatting when going on the toilet instead of sitting. This is a much helathier position and the poop sometimes will just slide out, no pushing or straining involved.
3. I would definately take a fiber supplement, specifically metamucil is what I take evveryday, in ordr to allow your stools to be soft and to allow them to pass thorugh easily. THis being said, with any fiber supplemetn, you must drink lots of water when using them, or they will not work veffectively. Also, do not take too much as too much fiber can irritate your bowels on the way out and diarreah actually does worse down there.
4. I would recommend getting a sphicteronomy surgery if htings dont get better. I waited it out, gave up, had the surgery, and was able to heal within about two weeks.
Try listening to music to distract your mind a bit, especially when going to the bathroom. If you are in writing pain, distract yourself with a movie or TV show right after. Also, to prevent myself from screaming and from putting more stress in the area down there, i bit down on a washcloth in order to make the tensions with my teeth instead of my sphicter muscle.
Hope this helps!!!
olivia76964 jeondxy
Hiya I would go back to the doctor and get some prescription cream ! They help wonders just make sure you apply it every day or the fissure won't heL
pecan_tan jeondxy
Please enlist the help of your parents. I can't imagine a child having to endure this pain. I want to cry every time I toilet. Try sizt bsths after a BM. Put coconut oil in the water. I initially used lavender oil,epsom salt,three tablespoons of baking soda, almond oil ,cocnut oil. This can get expensive but helped a lot to soothe my sore rectum. It also smells good and relaxes you. You need to tske dulcolax/or doucasate caps each night this will ensure soft stools regularly. You cannot get constipated. Try a hemrrhoid med after the bsth anudolvis the best but you can use any the goal is to soothe hemrrhoids if u have them. Then take 2-3 Ibuprofen for the pain. Eat first to coat your stomach. There r several good salves your parents can purchase that soothes the area. Sayman's salve purchased through Amazon,calmaseptine ordered online from walgreens,recticare it has lidocaine for pain ,walmart. I hope I have helped you. As you can see it is going to take a lot of work. You can get some relief.