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Hi girls, has anyone have no is your journey through the menopause with out them, do you find its worst then other people that had them..because I have been hearing you can have it worst and if you have children it's not so bad.. no idea how true  that is, if you got none  let me know how's your menopause is and if you have let me know too thank you.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Maria, I don’t have any children.  I’m 46.  My sister is 44 with two children.  She is not having all the symptoms I have but is battling weight gain.  She definitely does not have the extreme anxiety that I have.  Her periods are still regular, but mine were regular at her age as well.  Mine didn’t get completely out of whack until this past year, and I had an ovary removed in 2016.  My last cycle was 44 days and periods are light.  Don’t know if all this info helps but hope so!
  • Posted

    Hi, Maria.

    I have no children.

    My perimenopausal/menopausal symptoms are worse than my sister. She has a son.

    She had mostly hotflashes and flooding. Flooding is when you bleed VERY heavily with clots for weeks instead of days.

    I have almost every symptom of menopause that is listed in another post on this site, "66 symptoms of menopause". Plus some others that aren't listed.

    Just a couple of weeks ago I woke up with severe dizziness, vertigo and nausea. I didn't eat for 4 days, I was so nauseated. I couldn't force food down. I finally was able to drink some chicken bone broth. It helped immensely. I also experienced terrible anxiety, racing heart, crying spells, crying over trivial things. extreme anger and irritation, feelings of doom and gloom, insomnia, bad armpit odor and bad breath, acne etc...

    My sister says that I definitely have menopause symptoms a lot worse than she did.

    My mother had 4 children but she never discussed her Menopause, except to say that her breasts became bigger but drooped more and that she developed a little pit belly around her belly button and that she would get pimples. So, I don't really know how my Mother was as far as emotional symptoms. She has passed on, in 2011. So, I can't ask her. I really wish I could because I am SO much like her, temperament and physically and health wise.

    She was from a different generation. They didn't discuss such things as menopause.

    It sounds like you have bad menopause symptoms. I am sorry that you do. I sympathize.

    Take care


    • Posted

      Hi struggling50, my sister told me she had dripping hotflashes,migraines and vomiting,heavy periods but who don't, cold flashes, Insomnia, off balance..not that was worst then mine.

    • Posted

      I get hot flashes and cold flashes. Sometimes I will have a hot flash that immediately becomes a cold flash then becomes a hot flash again. All within seconds!!!!

      I don't really sweat with the hot flashes. They just feel like I am burning. Like a really bad sunburn.

      I get bad headaches that I know are hormonal.

      I have a period every 26 to 30 days. The flow has become heavier but only lasts two days, then just spotting for a day or two.

      My periods used to be VERY light.

      Today I am 29 days from my last period but I am having some slight cramping today.

      I wish it would all just end already.

      Oh, I just turned 51 in November.


  • Posted

    HI Maria

    I’ve got five children and have been living a nightmare in peri menopause hell for the past ten years!!!

    So in answer to your question I’m not sure it’s got anything to do with having children or not

    My aunt had no children and didn’t suffer as much as me.

    My sister has two children and has suffered badly 

    So I think it just depends on the person x

  • Posted

    I don't think it has anything to do with having children or not. I think some of it might be overall general health and I'm not even sure about that. I know that my sister had kids and her menopause journey was much worse than mine. She called it one of the darkest period of her life.

  • Posted

    The only thing I have ever heard is that women who do not have children usually start menopause earlier than women who do have kids
    • Posted

      I start Perimenopause  in between 47-55 I don think that's early..if you start it in your 30's early 40's yes bit early.

  • Posted

    I have two children, started the menopause at 40 and have been living a living hell ever since!!! I have recently (as a last resort) started HRT patches and am just starting to notice a difference... 

    I hope you find some relief soon too, best wishes. 

    A. x

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