Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies any of you experience sudden moments of being extremely cold...chills?
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies any of you experience sudden moments of being extremely cold...chills?
1 like, 18 replies
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maria_03422 cathy55794
Hi Cathy
4 years ago I use to get them all the time doesn't matter how warm I was dressed or covered use to shake under the covers. I don't get it often anymore, now i have new symptoms
cathy55794 maria_03422
Yes...I'm shaking under the covers although I'm fully dressed....Ipray for this to be over ....feels like I'm loosing my mind...Go
d bless and keep you
maria_03422 cathy55794
It will get better promise
It's been so hard, the worst of all is the anxiety and all short of fears I never had before..
This morning I woke up around 4 am and my upper body feels like tiny ants walking on me im itching like crazy but trying to ignore it
Feel better xxx
Jokey maria_03422
Hi, Maria, the itching has just flared up on me again! Aghh...😕😕
2chr2015 maria_03422
I agree the anxiety has been the worst. I saw this on another peri forum someone wrote about 5 worst symptoms of peri.:
Anxiety about anxiety
Anxiety about heart palpitations caused by anxiety
Anxiety about no sleep caused by anxiety
Anxiety wondering if you will ever feel normal again.
She says it did get better after 5 or 6 years.
I'm sorry, but I can't do anything but laugh about myself right now. I'm still laughing about trying to ignore the crawling ants feeling. The things we go through! Lord help us🙏??😁
maria_03422 2chr2015
No one prepared us for this!!!
My mother had it pretty bad but I was a teenager back then and i didn't paid to much attention and she passed before i start going through this!!!
Anxiety send me to the ER at least 4 times the past year, my husband is so used to this by now, i don't even waking him up to come with me
we have to laugh because otherwise we will go crazy!!!
A new thing is been happening to me the past month or so everytime i eat that's when my anxiety levels are so high i'm scared to eat! special when i'm somewhere out to the restaurant I can feel myself start sweating and getting to that panic mode
its just horrible not able to enjoy anything anymore!!!
cathy55794 maria_03422
maria_03422 cathy55794
I know Cathy i was just thinking that to myself the other day..i gave up on drs..i tried a new woman gyn and the only thing she had to say is that it might help to talk to a therapist i felt like everything i told her she dismissed it and tried to push me to another dr. I can't really confide to any including my family because they tired to hear me complain
so i keep everything to myself and pretend everything is fine most of the times
cathy55794 maria_03422
Maria That's about where I'm at now..when my husband ask 'how am I ? I say fine
2chr2015 maria_03422
My hubby is getting used to it too. Last time I woke up with anxiety attack (of course you feel like your dying). I woke him up to take me to the ER and he said if you aren't feeling better about 6 (it was 4:30) I'll take you. What I heard was- if you are still alive at 6 I will take you. Lol
I am careful about going to crowded places bc it can throw me into a panic.
maria_03422 2chr2015
LOL!! mine is scared to ask me how I feel ..if he sees i'm quite he knows bad day don't ask stupid questions
I feel so bad for him at times
2chr2015 maria_03422
Lol!! Smart man. My husband just doesn't get it. But I think he figures if I put up with him he can put up with me. That's what it's all about, right?
Mine keeps asking when all this will be over

Jokey maria_03422
Ha ha!😂I think we are all getting similar reactions from husbands
Mine is great but I can see his eyes rolling sometimes😀😀
At least we are having a laugh about it now!
Hope you all feel better soon, I really do ( me included)!
maria101 cathy55794
this happens with steady decline in hormones errrr