Chills and joint pain an d underam pain

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Hi Ladies, How many of you doing peri and meno are experiencing chills, I was getting them really badly last summer and they got better, but now they are back big time. I am also experiencing the burning pain under my arms again. I went to the dr about this a year ago and he just said that peri can cause skin issues and I went to another site and literally hundreds of women were talking about the joint pain, burning and underarm pain too.  I started the Evening Primrose Friday and I am going to try this for 30 days if it does not work I guess its back to the dr. I hate this so much, for years i was so healthy and nothing and now its like everything is happening to me, I asked my mother did she go through this and she said nope just a few hot flashes and that was it. 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi lenie yes i  get underarm pain feel like constanntly got hand there rubbing it and the chill feeling is horrendous i feel like my bones are ice had that all today its not very pleasant i havent tried evening primrose it may be worth a try x
  • Posted

    Thank you for your response, I really dont know what I would do without you ladies, I have no support at home, my husband told me I complain too much about my health and I am a hypocondraic. I appreciate you guys so much.
  • Posted

    my partner is really good but you sometimes just suffer in silence because you know what kind of reponse you will get.  i get sick of listening to myself moaning sometimes and i hate cos always been on the go and very rarely went to doctors now feel im never away from place x
    • Posted

      He is good too and when I was sick last year with a breast cyst, and in the hospital from the infection he was great, but I think the day to day issues are what makes his eyes roll, I literally just come to the boards and I have stopped relaying it to him unless its really rough. I like the suffering in silence comment!
  • Posted

    i think we have so much more going on in the environment that has messed with our hormones that we are having it worse.  either my family kept it very quiet (can't imagine that, lol) or they didn't suffer like i've heard women are now.  although, i spoke with my daughter's therapist briefly today about menopause and she said that hers wasn't terrible, that she did it au' natural.  when she had hot flashes she used pepperment oil on pulse points and it helped to cool her, but not eliminate - she went through about a year of symptoms; hope i'm so lucky.  she's pretty health conscious too. i think eating right and keeping your mind calm is key.  **i take between 2000mg and 3000mg (if i remember to take the third) of evening primrose.  so far, hot flashes are tame - no more sunburn feeling. 
  • Posted

    Please let me know if that helps!! I have burning feeling on my feet, and leg pain.

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