Chilly to the bone.

Posted , 9 users are following.

Oh I'm so over this condition!

I don't have a temperature so I know I don't have an infection but crikey I'm cold to my bones.

I've layers of clothes on, the heating on, the fire roaring, a blanket around me a hot water bottle and I keep shaking I'm that cold.

This has happened a lot lately over the last two weeks. It comes on so suddenly, I go from fine to shaking with the cold in the space of 10 minutes and with it comes an awful feeling that's hard to explain only that it feels like my body is vibrating. All very odd.

Has anyone else had this lovely new symptom (well new for me that is)


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    yep, I have it and go so cold I can't move. yesterday I took my warm up shower and my hands were so cold they felt they were burning! I also get one freezing foot and a freezing nose too. I have the vibrating feeling for a long time but don't have to be cold to get that symptom.


    • Posted

      Hi Beverley,

      a friend asked me yesterday why I allow myself to get cold......ummm i don't. Today I was comfortably warm when it was like a switch had been flicked, I was shaking and feeling queer within minutes. The heating was already on and I'd just had a cup of herbal tea, I always wear a thermal vest in the winter (sexy I know!) so I hadn't got cold like I would have had I been out playing in the snow!

      Now there's a lovely thought, having enough energy to play in the snow 😂😂.

      Oh CFS how I hate thee.....


    • Posted

      Me too re the snow 😃

      And definitely been cold tonight!


  • Posted

    Oh yes, i can definitely sympathise. I get a freezing cold nose and little finger as well as burning hot feet. i could wrap myself in a blanket with a jumper on and still get cold.

    The vibrations come & go no matter what i'm up to.

    I think my body was getting bored of all the other symptoms so have thrown in some new ones just to spice things up! I now get motion sickness & nausea even if i'm not traveling at the time. My hands & fingers are beginning to ache & spasm, when it gets so bad i cant use a knife to cut my food.

    You've just gotta laugh! :0D

    • Posted

      Oh Caroline, the burning feet!!!!!

      How can one get so cold yet the soles of our feet feel like they are on fire?

      When I mentioned that little beauty of a symptom to the neurologist he sent me off for tests saying he thought it was small fibre neuropathy and indeed it is.

      Never a dull moment 😂😂


  • Posted

    Hi Sarah, yep me too. A few weeks ago I kept on waking early in the morning feeling very cold with a fluttery shaking feeling in my chest. Along with the usual flu like feeling obviously.

    Like you, I checked the room temperature and my body temperature and it was fine. The cold/shaking thing seems to have past now but I'm still having my worst 3 months ever with fluey symptoms. (Think it might be due to having flu jab - big mistake.)

    • Posted

      Hi James,

      I don't take any prescription medications, I found that I had become so sensitive to everything the side effects outweighed any benefits. It's quite possible that you have reacted to the flu jab.


    • Posted

      Yeah I'm the same with medication - can't even take paracetamol without some kind of payback. I've managed to avoid flu jab my whole life until December when I decided to give it a try. Never again.

      Annoyingly, I will soon have to take meds for hypertension - I can only hope that they'll be ok.

  • Posted

    I would take a look at your electrolytes a lot of people do not get enough.

    If you get the blood tests for them and they are normal this still doesn't mean they are fine due to the way the tests are done.

    • Posted

      Every blood test I've ever had cones back normal....

      Maybe I'm faking it or it's all in my head (said tongue in cheek)

    • Posted

      Nobody is implying that at all.

      Doctors tend to rely on blood test results too much and because it shows this vitamin or that one etc is fine doesn't mean anything if those vitamins etc are not being used correctly or getting to the locations they are needed which is the case a lot of the time.

      Next thing is diet is so important it is so understated I have helped a lot of people who had cfs/fibro diagnosis by doing changes to diet it had big improvements to health but it does take time.

  • Posted

    i think that poor temperature regulation is quite common with cfs/ me . i get it too its horrible , i find a warm bath is the only thing that gets me properly warm .

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