Chin issues

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Wondering if anyone is going through chin issues. My chin has gotten a lot darker and this is aside from the whiskers I'm constantly removing. Anyone going through anything similar and if you are what are putting on your face to even out the color?

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    I've suffered with a reddened chin for a few years now. I didn't know but I guess it must be meno related then.

    My skin has become much thinner and a quick kiss with the bearded husband and I look like it's sunburnt. Saving kisses for bedtime these days.

    As for the hair's I'm cutting them close with scissors. My mum had them bad and she went for electrolysis but as she had always plucked them she was told the treatment wouldn't be very effective as plucking distorts the roots. She had quite a few sessions but it made little difference.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thank you for responding Zigangie. Red, orange and brown are the rainbow colors I'm seeing on any given day. I tried electroloysis but my skin got darker so it seemed. I know what you mean my husband's 5 o'clock shadow hurts my sensitive skin then turns it crab red. I'm going to have to look for a lightener don't know what else to do. Thanks.
    • Posted

      I forgot to say and I'm not sure if this will get moderated for brand naming. But Amazing base by Jane Iredale in natural.

      It's a loose powder around £30.

      Works well and for dark eye circles.

  • Posted

    Don't have dark chin but yes have those annoying whiskers above and below it.

    Noticed way more acne on my back and some on my face like I'm going through puberty again. Deer God am I 15 or 50?

    • Posted

      Oh how funny! You're just getting started. I'm on my 6th year, and it hasn't be fun to say the least. Oh yes, I do have the acne in places now I never had when I was 15! Hopefully, if you had kids early in life, you'll bypass the hot flashes, and other unwanted dis-ease associated with this change and If not good luck!
    • Posted

      I have no kids so thought I would have no issues or only a few of them. Not the case though.
    • Posted

      Didi, I thought the same thing but this is far from it.  All my friends who never had kids, like me are getting the worse of it. My doctor said the same thing. My sisters all 4 of them, whom had several kids, have hardly any symptoms like mild to non-existent. Live and learn, if I reincarnate and come back as a female I'm having kids!
    • Posted

      I'd rather come back as a man. Rather deal with saggy balls and limp d...k than this crap.
  • Posted

    My chin isn't darker, but the amount of whiskers is ridiculous, I'm constantly plucking, thinking of going for electrolyse xx
    • Posted

      I have never had kids either and I'm having a terrible time of it too, I just thought it was because I always suffered bad periods, roll on the end of these symptoms xx 
  • Posted

    Hi, I have had horrendous am out of hair growing on my chins. I have been plucking them! Then I decided to try electrylosis. It helped a bit but had to stop since the cost. Chin area got better but I gave more growing on my neck area now. I am told that plucking makes it hem worse. Do not PLUCK them ladies just try to cut them short. I am now planning to try some laser treatment now. Those hairs are a night mare. Good luck everyone!
  • Posted

    I don't have the darkened chin but I do have my own telephone wires growing out of my chin/jaw. A hairy mole just under it doesn't help. I tweezered them last night actually so that when I go to the dentist next week, the dental nurse won't stare at them. I wonder if it's our own testosterone that goes rampant when we get to the perimenopause stage and throws in a few male traits.
    • Posted

      Yes, our estrogen levels are low and our testerone levels are high. I agreed to taking birth control pills and was put on a low level estrogen pill to regulate my hormones. I did this for 1 year, but then I stopped because I was being frightened by other ladies telling me it could backfire with breast cancer. Well, I shouldn't have listened because now that I'm off of them, the symptoms came back 10 fold. Lucky, you do it just once a week, I seem to be doing it 2 times a week or more. But I can tell you that I'm more dominant now and my sweetie is more easy going, lol.
    • Posted

      I'm not sure that the hair is caused by excess testosterone. I'm using a testosterone cream and I can tell you it has made a massive difference to my libido.

      If after meno you were high in testosterone we'd all be rampant instead of complaining of lack of libido.

      Most good private gynocologists prescribe estrogen progesterone (if you have a womb) and testosterone.

      I used testosterone on it's own to begin and everything started working again estrogen made things feel less like the Sahara inside.

    • Posted

      Sorry to ask but I want to know how is the testosterone cream used please?
    • Posted

      Testosterone is what gives men their masculinity and hair on their face, as for women it's what gives us hair on our chins/jaw area like the men. I was high in testosterone during perimenopause not after menopause. I was using a cream as well but my skin in my private parts was too sensitive. I couldn't tolerate the estrogen/progesterone meds, rx my doctor gave me, my body flat out rejected them making me feel off balance. So instead she put me on low does birth control pills which worked and had no issues while taking them. Everything worked just fine, even better than before, but then of course, I gained a lot of weight, which I'm happy to say I've loss it all an I'm back down to a size 8, what I was before I became a size 14 at the start of menopause.
    • Posted

      I think my answer will be moderated because I mentioned where I get it.

      You rub it into your skin inner arm or outer thigh.

    • Posted

      Hi, My question was honest and very genuine. I am surprised if it got deleted by the moderator. We are here to share and learn from each other. I/we haven't gone through peri-menapouse before therefore I am really trying to understand and find answers for myself while I am trying to support fellow ladies gping though the sane thing. I don't think it was fair to delete it. Thank you for your answer Zigangie, much appreciated.
    • Posted

      Oh I do hope all this weight I've put in goes away again like yours has.

      I have always been size 10 and a little under 9 St.

      Now a twelve is getting tight and I'm not far off 11 St. Nothing makes any difference to my weight either. I used to sometimes go a few pounds heavy and just had to watch what I was eating a bit.

      I'm now having half the portions I used to have but still it won't go.

      I did a questionnaire online about testosterone deficiency and it found me to be low. I did already have some longer hairs on my chin but have so far not had any more.

      I wonder if I was badly deficient in testosterone because up until early peri I always had a very hairy face and a moustache that an adolescent boy would be proud of. It all went away along with a lot of my other body hair including my public hair around the start of peri.

    • Posted

      Yes its a pity I've tried to say to a few people where I get it from as I would have loved someone to point me in the right direction. I only stumbled across it after masses of research so I know it's not that easy to find.
    • Posted

      zigangie, you can say the name but not the brand nor where you buy it. Put it all in lower case and use words between it to make it less apparent. xx
    • Posted

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