Cholesterol levels..

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I recently had a cholesterol test (my last one was some years ago) I read that it can increase in menopause and unfortunately mine was on the high end! Last time it was fine. I dont tend to eat high fat food and am at a normal weight but I have increased eating eggs. I just wondered if any other ladies had found theirs had gone up.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Yeahhh my triglycerides are through the roof.Must be a common thing. Along with higher B.P. and glucose levels too. It's like my body took a s..t over the past 3 years. Afraid I'll never get it back, even though I'm trying to cut down on my carbs and exercising more. Nothing seems to take the weight off. So sucks.

    • Posted

      Me too i dropped bread and potatoes in the week, a little at weekends and swim about three days a week, quite suprised it was as high x
  • Posted

    Hi, I also got a fairly high cholesterol reading, which I was surprised about because I'm a veggie,  not overweight and excercise twice a week....but then I read that it is another symptom of peri menopause, something to do with oestrogen levels...surprise surprise!! So guess it's something else to bear in mind with all this madness

  • Posted

    My one gone up little bit. But I am told because my good colestrol is also high I am OK and don't need to take any medication. O hear and told by GP that walnuts are very good for colestrol. So I try to eat 1 or 2 walnuts almost every day. It would be good to get it checked again to see if all those walnuts helped. Try walnuts.

  • Posted

    Ladies, this is function of losing our estradiol.  Alll studies indicate that if you cholesterol goes up, it can be changed by taking oral estrogen.  Transdermals don't have as much of an impact, however if you get the estradiol up enough with a patch, even then the cholesterol profile will revert back to the normal pattern over time.   

    • Posted

      Have you considered trying natural plant oestrogens? Flax seeds, pumpkin etc,  Soy beans/milk (GM free),  chickpeas, dried fruits.  I was using these in my diet, even made menopause cake! Then found out I was feeding my fibroids! They feed off oestrogen. Aaaagh! Like I said before, I never know what to do for the best.
    • Posted

      No I havent, I am going to try to be a little stricter with what I eat, I thought I was pretty good but let myself go at the weekend, but it might be that I have to try a little harder! See what happens x
  • Posted

    Hi. I was diagnosed with low iron caused by my heavy bleeding and prescribed iron supplements. And upped my food intake of high iron foods ie. liver, red meats, eggs  At my next blood test my cholesterol was raised and at the next one too. After googling causes of high cholesterol and iron I was shocked to read that iron supplements can raise cholesterol.  I never know what to do for the best! 
    • Posted

      Dear maisie

      Me too! I did read that 76% of people my age group (53) have high cholesterol and menopause can raise it, I 'm suprised as I thought my diet was fairly good and I exercise , I did start to eat more eggs and I wondered if this contributed to it or not, I'ts just frustrating as I cut carbs to loose weight and eggs (boiled) for breakfast set me up for the day (of course not every day) x

  • Posted

    My cholesterol was fine for a number of years, but when I went to the doctor at 50(I went in between that and it was fine) it was high and I had to be put on meds. Mine was a combination of heredity and plain old getting older.  I exercised, ate pretty clean, I'm not small woman but I'm not obese by any means, and all accounts pretty healthy. So when they told me my cholesterol was high it was a surprise to me. I was still having my period when I found out it was high, but had my final one in November of that year.

    • Posted

      Dear juanita

      Yes it could be heredity for me as my dad has it and it could be plain age coming into it Aswell! X

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