Chronic abdominal and joint pain
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I have had all over joint pain for nearly ten years. Started in my shoulders but has spread to hips, ankles, wrists, knees, fingers, and even toes. Never really mentioned it to the doctor because the discomfort is managed with OTC meds.
In the last two years I stared having severe abdominal pain. It started out feeling like extreme menstrual cramps but it wasn't cyclic. I had a diagnostic lap to rule out endometriosis and it was negative.
Over the last year the pain has progressed in severity and included more than pelvic region. It can be a burning dull pain usually in pelvic region, upper abdomen, or a very sharp stabbing pain in all quadrants but very specific locations.
Other Symptoms include hair loss, increased anxiety, severe insomnia caused by pain rarely helped with RX medication, Vitamin D deficiency, slightly elevated ALT.
Bowels are fairly regular with some occasional constipation and/or diarrhea. I do at least feel bloated sometimes. A lot of painful fullness under the ribs. Usually after sitting for too long.
I had an ultrasound 01/2017 that showed a ruptured hemorrhagic cyst, followed up 04/2017 and it was resolving. 02/2018 the pain was worsening so i went back to the doctor who repeated the ultrasound. showed small hypo-echoic area where cyst used to be.
05/2018 pain was so severe went to urgent care then referred to ER, CT and Ultrasound showed 2cm cyst. Referred to GYN for endometriosis consult. Diagnostic Lap performed 07/2018 and was negative but for some pelvic free fluid. No cyst present during ultrasound.
Urinary- no burning or urgency but increased output. I’ve always urinated more than everyone I know. My old RN manager thought I was diabetic and made me test my glucose several times to prove it to her. I wake up up to 6 times a night to pee. I pee up to once every 45 minutes. Actually pee. Not dribble a little. Labs appear normal except low sodium from peeing so much.
For instance, today my pain has been, besides the general burning ache in abdomen, an intermittent stabbing in lower left by hip bone. like a pulsing stabbing pain. It alternates all around. upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right.
same stabbing sensation in each area, sometimes multiple areas at a times.
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mary19068 jackieMccs88
Hi jackieMccs88
Have you been tested for 'inflammation'
in the body.?This MAYBE causing your joint pains. Have you told your doctor about the pain? If you don't mind me asking how old are you? As you may have Polymyalgia Rheumatica which can cause frequent urination, but PMR usually occurs in 55 - 60 age group...
jackieMccs88 mary19068
mary19068 jackieMccs88
You are rather young to be having inflammatory conditions such as PMR..but you could have another condition called Fibromyalgia. I think you should discuss your pain with your doctor and the areas where you get the pain. There is no blood test for fibromyalgia it can only be diagnosed from the areas where you feel the pain. Are you on any medication? as certain medications can block absorption of B12...
jackieMccs88 mary19068